Education 1

History of Education

By lhacker
  • First public school opened in Boston.

  • First High School

  • Board of Education formed

    Horace Mann established the state board of education in Massachusetts.
  • John Dewey established his lab school

    John Dewey established his lab school
    Dewey opened a lab school to test his educational theories.
  • Period: to

    Jean Piaget

    Piaget was a major theorists in the cognitivism camp. He developed the four stages of cognative development. His theories also crossed over into the constructivism theory.
  • Ivan Pavlov began studying response and reflexes

    Ivan Pavlov began studying response and reflexes
  • Edward Thorndyke published the Law of Effect

    Edward Thorndyke published the Law of Effect
    This law states that behaviors that are reinforced with immediate rewards, will become associated with each other, therefore, making it more likely that the same behavior will repeat.
  • The term Behaviorism is founded by John B. Watson

    The term Behaviorism is founded by John B. Watson
    In 1913, Behaviorism was founded by John B. Watson. He believed that leaning was a result of training.
  • Film Projectors are introduced in schools

    Film Projectors are introduced in schools
  • Overhead projectors being showing up in schools

    Overhead projectors being showing up in schools
    First developed for military purposes, overheads quickly made their way to the classroom.
  • BF Skinner and Operant Conditioning

    BF Skinner and Operant Conditioning
    B.F. Skinner coined the term operant conditioning; it means changing of behavior by using reinforcements that are after the desired response is demonstrated. In 1948, he began conducting experiments using a "skinner box" which was very similar to Thorndyke's puzzle box
  • Mimeograph

    These machines made it possible for teachers to reproduce practice worksheets with ease.
  • Period: to

    Behaviorism is the dominant learning theory

    This theory influenced many changes in behavioristic educational practices involving classroom management.
  • Bloom's Taxonomy is developed

    Bloom's Taxonomy is developed
    Bloom's Taxonomy is a model of classifying thinking according to six levels of complexity. It falls into the cognitivism theory. It was created by a committee of educators led by Benjamin Bloom
  • Cognitivism replaces behaviorism

    In response to behaviorsim, congnitivism believes that people are logical thinkers and learning is a result of active participation and the thinkning that takes place during that participation.
  • The Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA)

    Increased the role of the government in head start, free lunches, special education students.
  • First hand-held calculator developed for classroom use

    First hand-held calculator developed for classroom use
    Teachers were slow to adopt the use of calculators because they were afraid they would prevent students from learning basic skills.
  • Social constructivism

    Social constructivism
    Vygotsky suggested that knowledge is fisrt consturcted in a social context and then building on other people point of view. It is a collaboartive process.
  • Theory of Multiple Intelligences

    Theory of Multiple Intelligences
    Howard Gardner ideveloped the theory of multiple intelligences. He believed that everyone learns differently with little cross over between the methods.
  • Integrated learning systems are put in place

    ILS programs are implemented to help support students with special needs.
  • Bloom's Taxonomy gets revised

    Bloom's Taxonomy gets revised
    Lorin Anderson (a former student of Bloom), updated the taxonomy to reflect relevance to 21st century work.
  • Most US classrooms have at least one PC

    Most US classrooms have at least one PC
  • Webquests are developed

    Webquests are developed
    Bernie Dodge and Tom March developed Webquest.
  • The internet reaches the classroom

    The internet reaches the classroom
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    Educational software becomes more useful and interesting

    Voice recognition software is emerging, some computers incorporate TV input, and graphics and video are incorporated. Larger computer storage capacity and CD-ROM and DVD drives in personal computers make it easier for educators to store large graphic and video and sound.
  • ISTE Technology standards are introduced

    ISTE Technology standards are introduced
    ISTE developed a set of technology standards that are designed to help students develop 21st century skills.
  • Interactive Whiteboards make their way to the classroom

    Interactive Whiteboards make their way to the classroom
  • No Child Left Behind

  • Clickers are introduced to the classroom

    Clickers are introduced to the classroom
    iClicker was the first students polling system used in schools.
  • iPads are being used for classroom use

    iPads are being used for classroom use