Oct 30, 1432
The invention of printing and movable type allows knowledge to spread rapidly; ideas and techniques become available to large numbers of people
This is important to the history of Early Childhood because it started the use of spreading knowledge to everyone. This is the first invention that allowed us to express ourselves and to come up with options. -
Froebel develops the first system of kindergarten education as a "child's garden" with activities known as gifts from God
This is important because it shows that play is the most important development tool for a child. A child can develop their social, congitive, perceputal, and so much more developments through play. -
Horace Mann, "Father of the Common Schools", sets up the U.S. elementary school system
This is important because it was the fondation of corrporting knowlege into children. This lays structure and resoures to expand childrens' minds. -
First teacher-training program for kindergartners
This was important because this set up a curriculum the kindergartner teachers should be teaching to allow all the children to have the same knowledge. -
Sigmund Freud cited the importance of a child within the first five years of their life
This is important because it shows development plays a huge role in a child's life. Also from Freud come up with this in 1892 and it is still cited and referance a lot in today's society. -
Arnold Gesell published "The Preschool Child" which empasized the importance of the early years
This was important because it showed people were understanding that child need to go through the proper development. -
WPA (Works Projects Association) opens emergency nuseries during the depression to help children of unemployed partent
This was imporant because children were still able to develop and have a routine in their life even through problems are occurring around them. -
Abraham Maslow creates Hiearchy of Needs
This is important because it showed that sometimes children weren't recieving/grasping the education is because they haven't gone through all the stage that Maslow design to let that wall down. -
Erik Erikson created his theory called Eight Stages of Man
This was important to the field of early childhood education because with his theory shows that we, at a young age, are dealt with some good or bad choices which make us the person we are later in life. -
La Leche League is established to provide mothers with information on breast feeding, childbirth, infants, and child care
This is important because it showed that the proper development for a child should not be in just a school setting but at home too at a young age. -
In the U.S., the "Leave No Child Behind" legislation is passed
This was important because it showed that no matter the disability or english is your second language children would recieve the educational rights just like the rest of the children. -
"Preschool for All" initiatives have been passed making four year olds able to go to preschool
This is important because it allows them to start even earlier with their development and having structure and getting in a rountine.