
history of computer

  • Jan 1, 1000


    the abacus was the first "computer" it was made in china about 5000 years ago. Abacus History - Invention of the Abacus. (2006, March 6). Abacus History - Invention of the Abacus. Retrieved September 21, 2012, from
  • first mechanical calculator

    first mechanical calculator
    around the time of 1623 the first mechanical calculator was inveted and had a big impact on computers today Calculator Time-line. (2012). Calculator Time-line. Retrieved September 21, 2012, from
  • first mechanical computer

    first mechanical computer
    in 1822 the first mechanical computer was believed to be invited. When was the first computer invented? (2012). When Was the First Computer Invented? Retrieved September 21, 2012, from
  • first funcional computer

    first funcional computer
    the first "modern" computer was made and one of the first ones to work. the Z1 When was the first computer invented? (2012). When Was the First Computer Invented? Retrieved March 21, 2012, from
  • the modern computer

    the modern computer
    the modern computer is a huge part of poeples lives we do so much on it. the internet has become a huge part of life too.