
green house effect

  • first paper on the greenhouse effect

    first paper on the greenhouse effect
    A man Named Svante Arrhenius predicted that fossil fuels may eventally enhance gobal warming. what he basically said was that the earth surface is 15 degrees and if we doubled the amout of carbon dioxide would rise it by 5 degrees and it. at the time no one paid attenion to him because they thought everything would be okay because of the ocean. this is important because he is the first person to show proof of gobal warming
  • Gilbert Plass

    Gilbert Plass
    Gilbert Plass told Time that if we contuine to put out this much carbon dioxide the earth wil heat up. very slowly unless we start to change the amount of carbon dioxide we put into the atmosphere then it would start to heat up to quickly. this article is important because this is the first time someone told the press about the green house effect
  • keeling curve

    keeling curve
    The Keeling Curve shows the concentration of carbon dioxide in earths atmoshpere. this is important because it made a lot of people start to pay attenion to the greenhouse effect
  • Kyoto Protocol

    Kyoto Protocol
    The Kyoto Protocol It requires participating countries to reduce their carbon dioxide, and other gases linked to the greenhouse effect, by five percent. this is important because it was the first time someone has done anythhing about the greenhouse effect. A few counties have backed out
  • media changes how we see the greenhouse effect

    media changes how we see the greenhouse effect
    The media just started referring to the greenhouse effect as gobal warming and climate change, they started to miss out on the important stuff and let people forget howo important this is. this is relevnt because its not just going to go away, we are stuck with it until we fix it and it is important that we dont forget that