History of Arizona

  • Franklin College

    Franklin College
    Franklin College was the first school to teach to teach billingual instruction. I think this also plays an important role in history because in the 1700's what was the U.S was all immigrants.
  • The Mexican-American War

    The Mexican-American War
    The Mexican- American War is another important event that happened in the united states. Many of what now is part of the united states belonged to mexico. I believe this is an important event and it deals with immigration now because there are many mexicans who are attracted to the states that once belonged to Mexico.
  • Discovery of Copper

    Discovery of Copper
    Copper Mining is a really important part of history because many of it brougth money to the state and the U.S. It was also really important to the immigrants because it brought work.
  • Arizona Organic Act

    Arizona Organic Act
    This act abolished slavery from Arizona terrritory. Nex Mexico was known to have native american slaves, and hispanic settlers.
  • The American Civil War

    The American Civil War
    The American Civil War which took place in 1861-1865 still is impacted today. The civil war was the war the freed the slaves.
  • Bisbee AZ

    Bisbee AZ
    Bisbee Arizona which was once known as the "queen of copper camps" is important in arizona history because it was once one of the richest mineral sites in the world. This brough a lot of workers from different parts. I believe events like this attracted immigrants to come work. It is also right by the US and Mexico border.
  • Arizona was made into its own state

    Arizona was made into its own state
    This is very important in history because this is when arizona was declared its own state!
  • The Great Depression of 1930

    The Great Depression of 1930
    The great depression affected everyone in America. The great depression affected mexican immigrants because many of them were deported back. A lot of them had been here over a decade to work in the agriculture field but when the great depression hit they were one of the ones who were most affected.
  • Navajo Code Talkers

    Navajo Code Talkers
    When the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor navajo indians from arizona were enlisted to transmit secret communications for the U.S Marines
  • Mendez v. Westminster

    Mendez v. Westminster
    Mendez v. Westminster was a case much like Board v. Brown of education but this included mexican american children. In this case schools in california were seperating mexican children to "mexican schools." I believe this plays in important role in history because many of these children came from immigrant families.
  • Bilingual Education Act

    Bilingual Education Act
    The BEA has played a huge impace in the life of many immigrants. As many teachers are aware, many of their students do not speak english and a lot of them are born to immigrants. This law played a great impact in helping those children who needed to learn in their native language.
  • Lau V. Nichols

    Lau V. Nichols
    Lau v. Nichols is another case of immigrant children who come to this country not knowing the language. I think this is an important part of history in the United States specially to those in the Education field. A lot of teachers come across children who speak other languages other than english or spanish.
  • Hierarchy of Race

    Hierarchy of Race
    Racism, very important part of the history of the united states not just Arizona. At this point there were many different immigrants from all over whom were all very different. Racism during this time was very big and if you were not white you were considered "evil" to some.
  • English for Children (Arizona)

    English for Children (Arizona)
    Arizona Proposition 203. This proposition eliminated billingual programs in Arizona. With that being said, it affected a large amount of children specially those who are born into immigrant families who speak little or no english at all. This proposition till this day has caused conflict in schools. Many teachers believe students know the material but do not understand the language and that is why it is important to teach the material in their native language.
  • SB 1070

    SB 1070
    SB 1070 is a law that affected immigrants not just in Arizona but all over the country. Many people felt this law was racist and it created conflict. I believe this is important when talking about the history of Arizona because it affected many people when this law was passed.