History picture sec4

History Jason Sitruk

  • Oct 11, 1534

    Population and Settlement: Jacques Cartier's first voyage

    Population and Settlement: Jacques Cartier's first voyage
    He first explore the Gulf of St-Lawrence which he mapped. he then returned to France to explain to the King that he thought he found gold but actually didn't. There was, however, timber, fish and furs
  • Economy: Fur Trade becomes popular in the 16th century

    Economy: Fur Trade becomes popular in the 16th century
    When the wide-brimmed felt hat came into fashion later in the 16th century, the demand for beaver pelts increased tremendously. The best material for hat felt was the soft underfur of the beaver and the fur trade began. Jobs called coureur de bois and voyageurs were invented and the fur trade was the top economical activity for several years. The coureur de bois traded European tools with the Amerindians hunted for all the fur.
  • Population and Settlement: Establishment of Port Royal

    Population and Settlement: Establishment of Port Royal
    The King tried to establish the first settlement by sending Champlain back to New France. He landed in Nova Scotia and built settlement called Port Royal. However, it failed due its position in New France
  • Economy: Compagny of 100 Associates

    Economy: Compagny of 100 Associates
    The King grants a monoply to the 100 Associates meaning they have control over all fur Trade in New France
  • Population and Settlement: Foundation of Troi-Rivieres

    Population and Settlement: Foundation of Troi-Rivieres
    Laviolette establishes Trois-Rivieres as a fur-trading post
  • Population and Settlement: Establishment of Montreal

    Population and Settlement: Establishment of Montreal
    At that time, it was called Ville-Marie and it was located in Native territory in attempt to convert them. It was founded by Maisonneuve
  • Power and Counter power: Royal Government

    Power and Counter power: Royal Government
    The king decides to implement a new government called the Royal Government. It is composed of:
    -Minister of Marine
    -Sovereign Council (Intendant, Governor, Bishop)
    -Captain of Militia
  • Period: to

    Population and Settlement: Jean Talon's Population Growth

    Jean Talon implemented several measures to increase population in New France. He invited Fille du roi who were orphan girls, gave soldiers pieces of land to stay who had precedently came from France and fought there,invited the "thirty six months" who were craftsmen who worked under a master for three years for experience but then could stay if they shose to, invited minor criminals from France and made fathers of unmarried daughters over 16 and Bachelors over 21 pay fines.
  • Period: to

    Official Power and Counterpower: Seven Year War

    It was a long war going on between the English and the French. The English wanted to take all the land in New France.
  • Culture: Canadiens

    Culture: Canadiens
    The people who moved from New France and were very autonomous grew to become a distinct group of people caleld Canadiens
  • Power and Counterpower: Royal Proclamation

    Power and Counterpower: Royal Proclamation
    The Royal Proclamation's main function was to assimilate the French Canadians. The rules are:
    -It is renamed the Province of Quebec-It makes the borders only around around the St-Lawrence rive-It put in place a civilian Government to run the new Colony: King appoints a Governor who then appoints members of an Executive Council-English Criminal and Civil laws were applied.
    -No bishop and Catholics must apply Test Act
    -Unused land divides into townships
  • Power and Counterpower: Quebec Act

    Power and Counterpower: Quebec Act
    Main goal is to get loyalty of Frenach Canadians in case of American Rebellion The rules are:
    -French Canadians become more loyal-Quebec expands to Great Lakes-Elected assembly wanted by Americans is denied-French civil laws were used again, tithe and seigneurial system are back-Test Act Oath becomes Test Oath of Allegiance.
  • Power and Counterpower: Treaty of Versailles

    Power and Counterpower: Treaty of Versailles
    It accepts the united states as an independant country. Loyalists in America move to Quebec