History Final

  • The Declaration of Independence was signed

    The Declaration of Independence was signed
    With the Declaration of Independence signed the United States was free from Britain. This is important because the country got its freedom and was able to become its own.
  • Louisiana Purchase

    Louisiana Purchase
    The Louisiana Purchase helped America gain states. It’s important because with that the United States was able to gain territory and almost be complete.
  • Women’s rights movement started

    Women’s rights movement started
    The women’s rights movement happened because women wanted to make a statement to gain their freedom. This is important because later on women finally had some similar rights to men and were at some peace. Women were no where near as free as men so they took a stand.
  • Slavery is Abolished in America

    Slavery is Abolished in America
    In the United States Slavery was legal for a long time. Until the abolishment happened it was a depressing and cruel time. This is important because the United States had let slavery happen for a long time and no one dude anything to prevent it until it was late and African Americans were at their weakest point.
  • The KKK

    The KKK
    The KKK was an organization that killed African Americans. It was white people who dressed up in all white robes fully covered and burned/killed them. This is important because no one stopped them from doing this, they let it happened and just watched. This shows how much of a messed up country the United States is and the KKK is still going on in some states.
  • Great Depression

    Great Depression
    The Great Depression occurred because the people of America had financial problems. People were starving and had no way to survive. This is important because our so called “Great Country” isn’t perfect, it had its weak moments and overcame it.
  • The Holocaust

    The Holocaust
    The Holocaust was that the Nazis put Jewish people in concentration camps and killed them. They killed millions of Jews from all over Poland and Germany. This is important because even though it happened in Europe the United States decided to ignore it. The United States had knowledge of what was happening in Germany and didn’t help.
  • The Bombing of Hiroshima

    The Bombing of Hiroshima
    The bombing happened because Japan decided to attack us first. They attack Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941. The United States needed to defend themselves during World War 2. This is important because we showed that we are superior and won’t back down in a war.
  • The Assassination of Martin Luther King Jr

    The Assassination of Martin Luther King Jr
    The assassination of Martin Luther King Jr was a big shock in America. He got killed by someone who didn’t support what he was fighting against. Martin was an activist and a minister who believed segregation shouldn’t be a thing. This is important because he way of thinking was correct and all he wanted to do was make a difference and end segregation but sadly didn’t live to see it happen.
  • President Barack Obama got elected

    President Barack Obama got elected
    In 2008 America’s first African American President was elected. President Obama served 2 terms. He was considered one of the best presidents the United States has ever had. This is important because Barack Obama’s made history and help America be a better country.