History Final

  • The purchase of Alaksa

    The purchase of Alaksa
    To anyone else Alaska seemes like a waste of money, but to William Seward it was something else. Alaska became a state in 1959. It was purchased at 7.2 million dollars. Little did anyone know that Alaska was filled with minerals, timber, and oil. The U.S. was on its way to expanding its imperilaistic power and with all these resoucres it was coming along well. It was important because it gave a new territory and reasources.
  • The United Stated Takes Hawaii

    The United Stated Takes Hawaii
    The islands of Hawaii gave the U.S. a place for American Merchants to stop thier ships instead of traveling from the U.S. all the way to China. Hawaii was aslo big in sugar plantations. The sugar was mostly imported to the U.S. It was important because it gave our ships a place to stop and refuel if needed. It also allowed the U.S. to build a naval base known as Pearl Harbor. Aslo known as the kingdoms best port.
  • Prohibition

    Was banning of alcoholic beverages that were ruining the morals of many people. It helped improve the morals of many people. Changed the behavior of people. It was the 18th ammendment. It was an attempt to change the attitude of the people. It also helped with the home life. It was important because it changed the attitudes of husbands and family home life was improved.
  • Women in the Work Force

    Women in the Work Force
    Many women beofre the civil war were expected to be stay at home moms, but only women of the middle or upper class could afford to do so. Many women found their job oppertunities in industries. Helped get women equal oppertunites. It was important because it helped women gain equal oppertunity.
  • Philippine American War

    Philippine American War
    It was Emilio Aguinaldo who finally stepped up to the Americans telling them they had not given them what we promised 'freedom'. The Filipinos started to rebel agianst our forces. This rebellion lasted 3 years and cost the U.S. nearly $400 million. This war was important because we promised freedom to these people and instead we tried to annex them. We wanted to gain land all around the world for our imperialistic powers. When we gained the Philipines we became one more step closer.
  • Platt Amendment

    Platt Amendment
    This was issued by the United States. It stated
    - Cuba may not make treaties that would limit its independence.
    - The U.S. has the right to intervene in Cuba
    - Cuba can not go into debt
    - The U.S. has the right to buy or lease land on cuba for naval bases or refueling stations.
    I think its important because it would be to our advantage to have naval bases off our own land. We have industries down their so we don't want them going into debt. Help us towards imperialism.
  • Protecting Working Children

    Protecting Working Children
    The number of child workers was off the chart. Buissnesses hired the children becuase they could fit into the smaller spaces and worked for lower wages. The National Child Labor Committee helped to fight for the children by finding evidence of overworking the children. It was important because put a stop to the abuse of children in the work area.
  • Muckrakers ( Upton Sinclair)

    Muckrakers ( Upton Sinclair)
    Upton Sinclair was a Muckraker during the progressive era. A muckraker was someone who exposed the awful working conditions. Upton Sinclair was a journalist who exposed a meat packing facility that was selling rotten meat. The company was using meat from the floor and wasnt sanatizing the produce. Upton Sinclair was just one Muckraker to expose a company for its wrong. It helped paved the way for better working conditions in the future. The book he published was called 'The Jungle".
  • Pure Food and Drug Act

    Pure Food and Drug Act
    The pure food and drug act put a stop to stores and meat packing facilities for putting out contaminated food and medicines. I think it was important because it gave people accurate information and they choose whether or not to act wisely.
  • Assasination of Archduke Ferdinand

    Assasination of Archduke Ferdinand
    The Assasination of Archduke Ferdinand was a big deal. This assasination of Ferdinand led to one of the most tragic events of all time World War 1. The Black Hand a secret military society was responsible for the assasination. I think this is a very important event becuase it cost the lives of many soldiers/ civilians and destroyed innocent countries. The war was a devistation to Europe. It cost them $338 billion.
  • The Betrayal of the Sussex Pledge

    The Betrayal of the Sussex Pledge
    The Germans couldn't keep up to the Sussex pledge. They began sinking our ships with thier U-Boats. The reason they used was because of the British Food Blockade. This is an important event because it pushed Woodrow Wilson over the line with Germany and the central powers. This eventually led to war. We joined the Allied powers. Its importance is that it was the reason the U.S. got involved in World War 1
  • Zimmerman Note

    Zimmerman Note
    The Zimmerman Note was an attempt by Germany to keep the U.S. out of war and ditracted by Mexico. It was for Mexico to start a war with the U.S. and take their land back. Germany promised if a war rose that they would help recover land lost in the previous wars. Its important because its an attempt by Germany to keep us out of World War 1 and it helped the U.S. choose which side to be on during the war.
  • Convoy System

    Convoy System
    The Convoy System was a way for merchant ships to get from market to market. It was a merchant ship, guarded by detroyer ships and on the outside were heavy guard ships. Its importance was a safe way for merchant ships to get their produce from port to port.
  • Treaty of Versailles

    Treaty of Versailles
    The Treaty of Versialles started nine new nations in Europe. The Treaty of Versialles was a peace treaty after World War 1. Along with the new nations it formed, it aslo gave some excitsting countries new boundries and reparations were due where needed. Its main importance was it set the tone for World War 2. Germany was the main reason for this.
  • Womens Suffrage

    Womens Suffrage
    Women often didn't have much of a say in the world. Until Susan B. Anthony a leader of women suffrage. Women suffrage is the right to vote for women. A reason why many didn't want women to vote was becuase everyone often thought they would vote in favor of prohibition. Womens suffrage was important because it finally gave our women the right to vote, and it gave them a say in this world.