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History Class timeline 2014-2015

  • The Revolutionary War

    The Revolutionary War
    On april 19th 1775, the the revolutionary war began. This was the begining of a war for independence from great britan.This was important to many people, including me because if the war had never begun, we still would be ruled by Great Britan or some other countrey.
  • The Declaration of Independence

    The Declaration of Independence
    On july 4th, every year we clebrate the declation of Independence. On july 4th congress approved on the final words of the Declaration of Independence. The Declaration of Independence told great brittan that we wanted to be an independant contrey. Since then the american revolutionary has occured and this document has impacted all the people who live in the united states.
  • The invention of the Steamboat

    The invention of the Steamboat
    In 1787, the steamboat was invented and was a big part of the industrial revolution. The steamboat was far more effective then homeade farmers' rafts. In fact, the farmers could use the boats to transport their goods both up and down the Mississippi River. Different from the rafts, the farmers could only bring their goods south on the river. They would sell their wood to the people down south, then they would walk back home.
  • Eli Whitney and the Cotton gid

    Eli Whitney and the Cotton gid
    Eli Whitney was a US born inventer. He created a machine that would save much time; the Cotton gid. The cotton gid was a revolutionized machine that greatly sped up the process of removing seeds from cotton fiber
  • Lewis and Clark Expedition

    Lewis and Clark Expedition
    The Lewis and Clark expedition started on March 15th 1803. This expedition depended greatly on the Lousianna Purchase, a region president Jefferson bought that extended from the Mississippi River to the Rocky mountains.They had many troubles, and they encountered many indians. In their epedition, they traveled about 4,500 miles and they crossed four time zones.
  • Louisanna Purchase

    Louisanna Purchase
    The lousianna Purchase was created bacause the united States wanted more land, and live stock to raise. So many people were going to the united states, people needed more space to live in.
    Thomas Jeffson was the president in this time aera. He was the president who approached Napolean and made an offer on the land. The total cost of the land was 15 million dollars so it totaled out as 3 cents per acere of land and is known as the greatest real estate deal.
  • The Trail of Tears

    The Trail of Tears
    The trail of tears was a walk that Native American were forced by the American army. This was caused because in 1830 a law passed that said that the US army could take the land and force the Native americans out of it. The Cherekee were a group of Natives who defended their land. They went to the US supreme court and they court sided with their case. They natives thought they won, but they were wrong. President Andrew Jackson sent troops in anyway to force the Natives out of the land.
  • The Alamo

    The Alamo
    The Alamo, a mission church in texas, was a base to the texans soliders. Unfortunatly, the texans only had about 200 people in their army as oppose to the mexicans who vastly out numbered them. Before the attack, though, so many mexican soliders died of diease and their numbers went down to about 1500, but still outnumbering the texans. Mexico won that battle, but years later, we came back and took texas as it became part of the United States.
  • Texas Revolution

    Texas Revolution
    The Texas Revolution was the argument between the armies of Mexico and Texas in the 19th century. The people in Texas were sad and not happy living under Mexican rule and the government in Mexico City was unstable. The revolution was a success for Texas because it won independence and became the Republic of Texas in 1836.
    Resource :
  • The Mexican American war

    The Mexican American war
    The American Mexican wasa in 1846 was America's first war on foreign soil. President James K. Polk believed in expanding the country and after the war ended, Mexico nearly lost one third of it's land, including now california, utah, nevada, and Arizona.
  • The Donner Party

    The Donner Party
    A huge aount of emigrants started a trip out west lead by two
    Donner brothers. They hoped to have a better life and land in the west paciffic coast. Unfortunalty they were trapped in Nevada Mountains in thick heavy snowfall. Also unfortunatly, that lead to lack of food and that lead to the tragic solution, cannobalism.
  • The California Gold Rush

    The California Gold Rush
    Discoved in 1848 at Sacromento, CA, gold mining was sparked and many people left their home to move to the west. As news spread of this discovery, more and more people moved to the west to start their hunt. A total of $2 billion worth of gold was extracted out of the ground in The California Gold Rush. Golding mining didn't stop in one day, but in 1952, rarley anyone still did it, as oppose the the 100,000 who moved out west to strike rich.
  • The Attack on Fort Sumter

    The Attack on Fort Sumter
    The starting of the civil was The Attack on fort Sumter. Fort Sumter is/ was near charston, south carolina. This event was and is important to history because it started the war. It continued to go on then for 4 years. Thankfully in the battle on fort Sumter, no one died because the Major Anderson took very good care of his men.
  • the great depression

    the great depression
    On october 29th, the great depression started. The great depression was a time when poeple couldn't find jobs or earn money for their families. This effected and was important to many people because if they can't find jobs, they can't make money, and if they can't make money then the can't have food water, shelter, or other needs.
  • 19th Amendment

    19th Amendment
    On may 19th, 1919, women finally got to vote.President Wilson finally made the new amendment after many years of fighting for womens' right. Since 1919, women all over our country now have the right to vote and get equel treatment and can have jobs.
  • The Supreme Case: Brown v The Board of Education

    The Supreme Case: Brown v The Board of Education
    In the supreme court on may 17th 1954, the jury unamunously descided that segragation in public education is denial of the protection of the law. That was when the big segragation was finally put to a stop. Riding on buses and learning in different schools are two big examples of segragation. Holt Mcdougal United Stated History.
  • Sputnik Satellite

    Sputnik Satellite
    On October 4th 1957, Russia launched the Sputnik Sateillite into our atmosphere to orbit the planet. This challenged to US to do even better to go to the moon. This was in effect from the cold war. Russia and the US we at it trying to top each other with nuclear weapons and then Russia lauched the sputnik and the US thought, "Man now what will we do!"
  • USA Walks on the moon

    USA Walks on the moon
    On this day, Neil Armstrong and the crew of Apollo 11 landed on the moon. The lannding on the moon was also the ending of the cold war. When Russia launched the Sputnik into space, it caused a riot in the US. Then in 1969 the US came back and landed on the moon.
  • The Death of Elvis

    The Death of Elvis
    On august 16th, 1977 elvis pressley died. He was 42 years old. He sold more than 1,000,000 records. Many people loved elvis so when he died lots of people were disappointed. sites- Google search,
  • Nichole Marie Esh

    Nichole Marie Esh
    I don't remember, cause I wasn't born, but on April 4th 1998, my older sister was born. She has always been an inspiration and she is currently 16 and a juinor, 11th grade.
  • My Birthday

    My Birthday
    I was born on labor day weekend 2000. We were at the cabin because it is a family tradition to go up on labor day. We drove to a hospital and at 7:11 on september 2 I was born.
  • 9/11/01

    On september 11th 2001, terrorists attacked new york city, the twin towers and the pentagon with 4 commerical air planes. Two of the planes went to the world trade center in newyork city and another one crashed into the pentagon.The forth one crashed in a Pennsyvainia field.This event was very important and terrible to many people because alot of people died during the attack. Holt McDougal's United States History.
  • Lauren Grace Esh

    Lauren Grace Esh
    On October 10th, 2001, my little sister Lauren was born. She is now in 6th grade and shares a birthday with somone else in our neiborhood. She also has a cousin who is her age and lives next door.