
History Class 2016-2017

  • The American Revolution

    The American Revolution
    The American Revolution is one of the most important things that has ever happened in history because it freed the colonists from England. It took place from April 19th, 1775, through September 3rd, 1783.
  • The Declaration of Independence is Born

    The Declaration of Independence is Born
    Today, the Declaration of Independence is born. It's one of the most important documents in history. Created and signed by Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, and Robert R. Livingston in 1776. The Declaration of Independence is what makes us who we're today. It's our freedom and independence. It tells us the anyone who has the opportunity to take action, has the responsibility to take action. It tells us so much more than we could have thought of. That's why it's so important.
  • The Louisiana Purchase

    The Louisiana Purchase was a fifteen million dollar purchase of land that was sold to the U.S. for three cents an acre. It more than doubled the size of our nation, and we gained control over the Mississippi River. This provided us with more land to plant crops and more land to fish. It did although, take land away from the Native Americans that lived there every day of their lives.
  • The Trail of Tears

    The Trail of Tears was an Indian Removal Act. Because of this act, the Choctaw and other tribes from the southeast were moved west. Although, one tribe, the Cherokees, went to the Supreme Court in order to protect their land from being seized. But it didn't work. In 1838, General Winfield Scott forced federal troops to move 16,000 Cherokees into camps. Without warning, they'd be pulled from their homes with only the clothes on their backs, walking through many weather conditions. Many had died.
  • The California Gold Rush

    On Jan. 24, 1848, a carpenter named James Marshal, made an important discovery. One day, while Marshal was building his sawmill in Northern California, he saw what appeared to be gold in a river nearby. It was! This led to one of the greatest migrations. Thousands of people around the world came to make money. This created the California Gold Rush. Miners investigated other straeams and found gold there too. The governor announced that there was enough gold to pay the cost of war 100 times over!
  • The Attack on Fort Sumter

    The Attack on Fort Sumter
    The Attack on Fort Sumter lasted for a total of two days. It was from April 12th, 1861, to April 14th, 1861, and was extremely important. It was important because it was the first battle of the American Civil War.
  • The Assassination of Abraham Lincoln

    The Assassination of Abraham Lincoln
    We can now only remember what Abraham Lincoln was like. He was assassinated today when someone sneaked into the White House and shot him in the back of the head. It was a very saddening day for many people in America.
  • The Supreme Case: Brown v The Board of Education

    The Supreme Case: Brown v The Board of Education
    African Americans launched a protest for unfair treatment due to racism. All throughout the 1950's, school segregation cases located in Delaware, Kansas, South Carolina, Virginia, and Washington D.C. created the Brown v. Board of Education. "Brown", was for a seven-year-old African American girl named Linda Brown. On May 17th, 1954, the Supreme Court made a law. It was illegal for segregation in schools and other public places. Next year, the Supreme Court made all public schools desegregate.
  • The Vietnam War

    The Vietnam War
    The Vietnam War was started because of the different kinds of government and lousy leadership by Diem. It started on November 1st, 1955, and ended on April 30th, 1975. The war was between North Vietnam and South Vietnam.
  • The Assassination of John F. Kennedy

    The Assassination of John F. Kennedy
    Today, we are only have memories of John F. Kennedy, a man who was just assassinated this morning. When Kennedy was first elected president of the United States of America, many people thought that he had a different style of doing his job in the White House. A good style, not a bad one. So when Kennedy was assassinated in November, of 1963, people were shocked.
  • The Death of Elvis

    The Death of Elvis
    Say your farewells. Elvis Presley died today at the age of forty-two. His death was due to a heart attack, probably caused by an overdose of drugs.
  • The Twin Towers Collapse

    The Twin Towers Collapse
    On September 11th, 2001, two planes crashed into the tallest two buildings in the world. The Twin Towers. Killing and injuring thousands of people. Survivors looked like ghosts walking out of the buildings because they were completely covered with white soot and ash from head to toe.
  • Amanda's Birthday- May 21st 2003

    Amanda's Birthday- May 21st 2003
    Yes! This was the day I was born. I weighed almost thirteen pounds total, and was a very happy baby as my mom says.