History CAO: Maria Theresa

  • Pragmatic Sanction

    Pragmatic Sanction
    Before the birth of his daughter Maria Theresa, Charles VI enforced "Pragmatic Sanction" in April 19, 1713. Pragmatic Sanction would allow a female heir to claim the throne if no male heir was present in the family line. This event is important because if Charles VI had not issued "Pragmatic Sanction" then the throne would never had reached Maria. Meaning, she would never achieve the accomplishments she is known for nowadays. Source: (Trease 127)
  • Diving Bell

    Diving Bell
    In 1717, inventor Edmund Halley invents the diving bell in the United Kingdom. This invention was a submarine type chamber with compressed air that allows a person under water. It's shape resembles an upside wine glass in a way, trapping air underneath it when it is submerged underwater. This event is important because the diving bell would lead to not only further discoveries for future submarines, but also marine sciences. Source: ("18th Century Timeline")
  • Birth of Maria Theresa

    Birth of Maria Theresa
    Maria Theresa was born on May 13, 1717 in Vienna, Austria to parents Charles VI and Elisabeth Christine. Her father, Charles VI, was the part of the Hapsburg dynasty with many titles other titles. Her mother, Elisabeth Christine, was the Princess of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel whom gained more titles due to her marriage to Charles VI. This event is important because Maria Theresa would go on to be a glorious leader like her father. She was the first female leader. Source: (Trease 125)
  • Fire Extinguisher

    Fire Extinguisher
    In 1722, French C. Hopffer patents the first fire extinguisher. In ways, it is similar to the modern invention such as it purpose of use. The event of the fire extinguisher being patented is significant because it changes how many lives have been saved because of this invention. Without it, more deaths may have been caused by fires. Source: (18th Century Timeline)
  • Marriage of Maria Theresa

    Marriage of Maria Theresa
    On January 31, 1735 a major decision had been made. Maria Theresa was to marry her husband Francis I. Francis I had been the Duke of Tuscany and a longtime potential suitor of Maria's until her father found him worthy enough. Though this marriage was not a political move, it was still important event because Maria would have a trustworthy confidant in Francis once she inherited the throne. Even if he was not to rule with as much power as Maria was. Source: (Trease 129)
  • Maria Theresa Inherits Throne

    Maria Theresa Inherits Throne
    In the October of 1740, Charles VI dies from a speculated case of food poisoning. This meant that Maria Theresa, at age 23, inherits the throne. The Austrian duchies, Netherlands, Bohemia, and Hungary are quick to accept their new leader. This event is important because Maria Theresa becomes the first and only female leader of the Hapsburg dynasty. This is also the beginning of her prosperous rule. Source: ("Maria Theresa Biography")
  • War of Austrian Succession

    War of Austrian Succession
    Though most lands were accepting of Maria Theresa inheriting the throne of the Hapsburg dynasty, some European powers resisted. One of these powers being Frederick II of Prussia whom would invade Silesia on December 16, 1740. This event is important because not only is it the first war led under Maria Theresa's rule but also it marks the beginning of the "War of Austrian Succession". Source: (Trease 137)
  • Leyden Jar

    Leyden Jar
    On November 4, 1745, E.G. von Kleist invents the leyden jar in Germany. This device is the first that is used to store electrical charges successfully. The invention of the leyden jar is important because it furthered knowledge regarding electricity and was a significant piece of technology for it's time period. Source: ("18th Century Timeline")
  • War of Austrian Succession Ends

    War of Austrian Succession Ends
    In October 1748 the "War of Austrian Succession" came to an end. Austria was forced to allow Prussia to keep Silesia and to also accept it's loss of three Italian territories to France, whom had invaded after Prussia with Bavaria as well. The end of this war was important because it brought forward what changes needed to be made in order to strengthen Austria's power. Maria Theresa would immediately reform domestic policy after this loss. Source: ("Maria Theresa Biography")
  • Lightening Rod

    Lightening Rod
    In June 1752, Benjamin Franklin invents and tests the lightening rod in Philadelphia, United States of America. His invention was made to test the electrical power lightening storms held. The invention of the lightening rod is significant because, like the leyden jar, it furthered people's understandings of electricity and how powerful it is. Without the discovery of electricity, our society would be living in a candle lit environment. Source: (18th Century Timeline)
  • French and Indian War

    French and Indian War
    The French and Indian War was the beginning of long-lasting bad-blood between the French and British. The French had allied with the Native Americas (whom they held good relations with) in order to run the British out of North America. The war had begun in 1754 and ended in 1763. This event is important because it not only affected ties between France and Britain and Britain and the Natives, but also colonization in America. Source: ("18th Century Timeline")
  • First English Dictionary

    First English Dictionary
    On April 15, 1755, Englishman Samuel Johnson published the first English language dictionary. It had taken Johnson approximately nine years to write and publish this dictionary. The establishment of the first English language dictionary is important because without it we would not have reference books and the knowledge of the English language that we have today. Source: (18th Century Timeline)
  • Seven Years War

    Seven Years War
    After reforming domestic policy for her empire, Maria Theresa (with her strengthened Hapsburg army) tried reclaim Silesia from Prussia. Due to this, Frederick II once again waged war. This war begun on May 15, 1756. This was the Seven Years War. This event is important because it revealed how persistent Maria Theresa was when it came to reclaiming land for her empire and expanding her rule as well as power. (Source: "Maria Theresa Biography")
  • Seven Years War Ends

    Seven Years War Ends
    Though the Hapsburg army was significantly stronger than it had been when facing the first war against Prussia, they eventually were running out of resources. Their strongest ally, Russia, had withdrew from the war. Hapsburgs could not win now. As a result, in 1763 Maria Theresa and Frederick II agreed to a peace treaty, though Prussia would get to keep Silesia. This event is important because though Austria regained much land, it still had to accept a loss of Silesia. Source: (Trease 138)
  • Maria Theresa steps down from the throne.

    Maria Theresa steps down from the throne.
    In 1765, Maria Theresa's husband, Francis I, died. Due to his death, Maria Theresa stepped down from the throne and appointed her eldest son, Joseph II, to the throne. This event displays the throne leaving the hands of Maria Theresa to her son. Though, she still is involved partially when it comes to advising her son's political moves. Source:("Maria Theresa Biography")
  • Death of Maria Theresa

    Death of Maria Theresa
    Maria Theresa died on November 29, 1780 in Vienna, Austria. She died in the Hofburg Palace, where she had held her reign for almost four decades. This event is important because officially Maria Theresa no longer could influence the political decisions made. Her eldest son Joseph II took over the completely due to the death of his mother. Source: ("Maria Theresa Biography")