History 1788-1833

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    Old Regime

    Political, economical and social system which took place in the centuries XVII and XVIII.
    In the Absolutism all power resides in one person and the high classes of the society had privileges. https://sway.com/s/tWDPBLDpf7LMjMQK/embed
  • Political crisis in Spain

    Political crisis in Spain
    The enlightened despotism reforms were not enough. And the American colonies were disappearing.
    Meanwhile Carlos IV was a very bad king who ran away from his obligations.
    In order to avoid his job he had some ministers to do it: Floridablanca, Aranda and Godoy.
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    Carlos IV reign

    He was a Bourbon.
    In 1800 the painting “la familia de Carlos IV” was painted. In which the painter represent that Carlos didn’t like the government and other things from the family.
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    He was Carlos IV’s first minister. And was against the French Revolution https://www.biografiasyvidas.com/biografia/f/floridablanca.htm
  • French Revolution

    French Revolution
    The French Revolution took place in order to remove the Old Regime. https://www.britannica.com/event/French-Revolution
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    Carlos IV’s second minister.
    He was not able to save Carlos cousin so he was fired https://www.biografiasyvidas.com/biografia/a/aranda.htm
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    Manuel Godoy

    He was the 3rd minister and the most important.
    He was famous due to his fast rise in the government but he was also badly received because of that.
    When he came to the power he supported the enlightenment despotism.
    He made decisions to help the low classes but the reforms were superficial. https://www.biografiasyvidas.com/biografia/g/godoy.htm
  • Economical crisis

    Economical crisis
    The state was in bankruptcy and due to that the taxes were getting higher. The population lived in misery and the property of the land resided in the nobility and the church, due to that, the agriculture was to survive and there was no trade.
  • Social crisis

    Social crisis
    The nobility had the control of huge political positions and lived from the lands.
    The church controlled the education and the mentality of the people
    Most of the population didn’t know how to read or write
  • Napoleon emperor

    Napoleon emperor
    He proclaimed himself the French emperor https://www.britannica.com/biography/Napoleon-I
  • French revolution

    French revolution
    In 1789 the fear for the spread of the french revolution started in the European monarchies.
    It began a war against the liberals
  • Battle of Trafalgar

    Battle of Trafalgar
    France and Spain against England.
    Spain lose and it ended in a bigger economical crisis due to the end of the trade with American colonies
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    Before the Independence war

    1805 took place the battle of Trafalgar where Fr and Spain fight against England.
    1807 Treat of Fontainebleau between Napoleon and Godoy to block England.
    Napoleon entered in Spain with out any problem due to the Treat of Fontainebleau and started conquering places from the country.
    Then, the real family ran away but it took place the motin of Aranjuez. Fernando VII wanted to be the king but failed.
    April 1808 Napoleon summoned the real family in Bayonne and Jose became king of Spain.
  • Treat of Fontainebleau

    Treat of Fontainebleau
    It was a treat between Napoleon and Godoy to conquer Portugal because they didn’t took part in the block of England.
  • Cortes de Cádiz

    Cortes de Cádiz
    There were summoned in Cádiz because it was difficult for Napoleon to arrive there.
    As there was no army the population joined and created juntas locales. Then, Junta Central Suprema appeared and took the political control during the war.
    There were two sides during the cortes: the liberals and the absolutists
  • Causes of the war

    Causes of the war
    France had occupied Spain and the population was unhappy due to the abdication of the king and the new foreign one, Jose I.
    So the population wanted to fight against Napoleon. ( the one in the photo is Jose I)
  • Motín de Aranjuez

    Motín de Aranjuez
    Fernando VII wanted to be the king but he failed https://realcortijo.com/el-motin-de-aranjuez/
  • Bayonne

    When Napoleon knew about the family problems he summoned them in Bayonne and forced the king to abdicate in him and he abdicate in favour of Jose Bonaparte
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    War of Independence

    It was a patriotic was as Spain fight against France.
    It also was a civil was because part of the Spanish population were in favour of Napoleon.
    And it was an international was too: after Napoleon invade Spain, it joined with England to fight against France. The war was a fight against Spain and France but it also showed a war between the two Spains: the traditional and the liberal.
  • El 2 de Mayo

    El 2 de Mayo
    Goya was the painter of the real family and painted a lot of paintings of the war.
    The most famous one was el 2 de Mayo https://www.rah.es/2-de-mayo-de-1808/
  • Constitution of 1812

    Constitution of 1812
    It was the first attempt to establish the liberalism in Spain.
    It defended a national sovereignty, separation of powers, limited power of the king, just one religion and that all the laws had to be applied in all Spain. It was published the 19/03/1812
    It was inspired in the French constitution of 1791. And it was an inspiration to other ones. https://www.congreso.es/cem/const1812
  • Manifesto de los Persas

    Manifesto de los Persas
    It was a document with which the Constitution was aboished https://www.recursosacademicos.net/el-manifiesto-de-los-persas-12-04-1814/
  • Legislative work of the Cortes

    Legislative work of the Cortes
    While they were writing the constitution they also wrote some laws to end with the Old Regime.
    They abolished the inquisition, and the internal customs https://historia.nationalgeographic.com.es/a/viva-pepa-1812-cortes-cadiz-y-primera-constitucion-espanola_10223
  • Consequences of the war of independence

    Consequences of the war of independence
    There were national consequences because there were lots of deaths and huge number of buildings an cities were destroyed. It was very bad for the economy as it was difficult to take care of the agriculture.
    But there were international ones too. It was the first defeat of the Napoleon’s army and the American Spanish colonies took advantage to get their independance
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    Reign of Fernando VII

    It was welcomed as the country had been in war for a lot of time but soon realised that it was not going to be a good king.
    He abolished the constitution and waned to return to absolutism.
    There were a lot of liberal uprisings, in one of those it appeared Riego who forced the king to use the constitution. However, in 1823, he was killed by by the Europeans with other liberals.
  • Heir to Fernando VII

    Heir to Fernando VII
    In 1829 he was married with Maria Cristina and had a daughter, Isabel II. However, when he died she was too young so her mother and Espartero reign for her during 10 years. (The one in the photo is Isabel II)