Flight or emigration (Hégira) from Muhammad to Medina. Beginning of the Muslim calendar.
Tarik, lieutenant of the governor of North Africa Musa ben Nusayr, leaves Tangier at the head of an army of 9,000 men and lands in Gibraltar (Yebel Tarik). The occupation of the peninsula takes place in five years.
Possible date of the battle of Covadonga, which marks the beginning of the Asturian resistance.
The walls and the Roman bridge of Córdoba are rebuilt, and the first Muslim cemetery is founded.
Abderrahman I, the last Umayyad of Damascus survivor of the persecution to which his family was subjected, arrives at the Peninsula and occupies Córdoba. It establishes a dynasty that will rule al-Andalus until 1031.
The construction of the Mosque of Cordoba begins.