Beginning of Kindergarten
The first kindergarten started in 1855 in Margarethe Schurz in Watertown Wisconsin, she opened it up out of her home.(Muelle, n.d.) I thought this was an important event because this is where the K-12 education really begins.
Photo: ("Wisconsin historical markers," n.d.) -
G.I. Bill of Rights
The G.I. Bill was created to help veterans coming back from war. It gave them low interest mortgage rates and also would cover the tuition for college or trade schools. (History.com Editors, 2010). I chose this as one of my five events because I think this is an important thing for our veterans to have when they return from serving our country.
Photo: (History.com Editors, 2010) -
Head Start
The first Head Start began in 1964 it was designed to help break the cycle of poverty and also provide low income families with a program to help meet their needs. (Samuels, 2014). I thought this was an important event because it is important low income families have the opportunity to get an education and interaction with peers as well.
Photo: Edweek.org -
Open Classroom
Open classrooms first started in Britain after World War II. Soon after it made it's way to the U.S. Open classrooms were based more on a learn by doing concept. (Cuban, 2004). I thought this event was important because it is something that is still happening in education today. It is how education still happened throughout the coronavirus pandemic.
Photo: (Lyst, 2020) -
No Child Left Behind Act
The No Child Left Behind act basically leveled out the playing field for disadvantaged students and gave them an equal opportunity as well. They started doing annual testing, academic progress, and penalties. ("No Child Left Behind (NCLB): What you need to know," 2019).
Photo: ("Teachers unions and the war within: Making sense of the conflict," 2017)