Historical Progression of Management

  • Scientific Management

    Scientific Management
    Frederick Taylor's was a theory that analyzes workflows to improve efficiency and productivity.This shaped management because it formed efficient ways to get jobs done.
  • The Hawthorne studies

    The Hawthorne studies
    The hawthorne effect refers to the reactivity which individuals modify their behavior when being observed. This shaped management because managers found ways to use employees reactions to increase productivity.
  • Hierarchy of Needs

    Hierarchy of Needs
    Maslow's hierarchy of needs is a motivation theory in psychology. This shaped management because managers use this to motivate employees to work and increase productivity.
  • Action Learning

    Action Learning
    Action learning is the approach to solve problems in small groups. This shaped management because managers can figure out how to solve problems in an effective way and hopefully get better results.
  • Theory X and Y

    Theory X and Y
    McGregor's theories are of work motivation. Theory X is the idea that employees do not want to work and need supervision, while theory Y is the idea that employees want to work and succeed.This shaped management because it was a specific style that managers used depending on their business to make everything work.
  • Management Grid

    Management Grid
    The model Robert Blake and Jane Mouton created shows a style of leadership based on the concerns for people and production. This shaped management because it gave a different style of leadership for managers to use to equally balance their concerns for production and people.
  • Performance Technology

    Performance Technology
    Human performance technology is the study of the process improvement methods. This has shaped management because it progressed to better methods of improvement in businesses.
  • Ethics

    Ethics is the moral principles of a person's behavior. This has shaped management because it is a new method for some managers to use that increased employee productivity and quality.
  • Business Process Management

    Business Process Management
    Business process management is the discipline in operations. Thi has shaped management because it has helped to analyze, measure, and improve processes. Managers used this new method to keep employees working productively.
  • Drive Theory

    Drive Theory
    This theory defines the psychological drives of an individual. This was another approach to think about the workers and how to get them to want and enjoy working.