Prior to twentieth century, ways of instructional media
Before the 20th century, the primary means of instructional media was the teacher, the chalkboard, and the textbook. -
Visual Education movement
The Keystone View Company published Visual Education, a teacher's guide to lantern slides and stereographs. -
First catalog for instructional films were published
A public school system in Rochester, New York became the first to adopt films for regular instructional use -
Audiovisual Instruction Movement
During the mid 1920s and early 1930s, technological advances in rado broadcasting, sound recordings, and sound motion pictures led to more interest in instructional media. -
Great Depression effect on IDT
The visual instruction movement had invested and lost more than $50 million -
The merging of visual instruction
As a result of the merger, one big organization was made called the Department of Visual Instruction -
Division of Visual Aids for War Training
Established by the federal goverment, this organization oversaw the production of 457 training films. -
World War II Effects
U.S Army Air Force produced more than 400 training films and 600 filmstrips for military personel -
Instructional Design and the World War II
Many psychologists came together to perform research and experiments to help develop training materials and methods, aka the training films. -
Models of communicaton
Shannon and Weaver put together a model of communication that focused on a sender and a receiver of a message. These models grabbed interest of the leaders of the audiovisual instruction movement. -
Growth of Instructional Television
Federal Coomunications Commision decided to set aside 242 TV channels for educational purposes. -
Launching of Sputnik
Because the Soviet Union launched Sputnik, the United States poured millions of dollars into improving math and science education. -
Growth of Instructional TV during 1950s
From 1955 to 1960, the number of instructional television channels more than doubled, from 17 to over 50 respectively. -
1963 Definition of IDT
"The design and use of messages which control the learning process" Also included a series of steps that individuals should use when designing messages that included (planning, production, selection, utilization, and management) -
Criterion-Referenced Testing Movement
Criterion-referenced test were made to see how well an individual can perform a perticular behavior or set of behaviors, not taking into account how well others perform. -
Programmed Instruction Movement
From the mid 1950s to the mid 1960s, the Programmed Instruction Movement was a major development of the systems approach of education. Skinner's article called, "The Science of Lerning and the Art of Teaching" contained his ideas on human learning and effective ways of teaching and instruction materials. -
Robert Gagne, "The Conditions of Learning"
Gagne wrote about 5 types of learning outcomes, that each needed a different set of conditions to promote learning. He also wrote about 9 events of instruction, or teaching activities needed to promote any type of learning outcome. -
The fixing of instructional materials
After the launching of Sputnik, U.S began pouring more money into education. With that, instructional materials were developed. It turned out that these materials were ineffective. In 1967, Micahel Scriven developed a new system for instructional materials included try-out drafts with learners prior to the time the materials were in final form. -
Behavioral and Cognitive Information Processing
These two theories dominated through the 1960s and 1970s and became the foundation to what this field is today. -
1970 Definition of IDT
"The media born of the communications revolution which can be used for instructional purposes alongside the teacher, textbook, and blackboard. The pieces that make up instructional technology include; television, films, overhead projectors, computers, and other items of hardware and software" -
U.S Military Adopted an Instructional Design Model
Several branches of the military began to adopt and implement instructional design models to help guide the developement of training materials within those brances. -
Personal Computers Increased Interest in Instructional Design
With the use of personal computers rising, more people wanted to use their computers for producing computer-based instruction. -
1994 Definition of IDT
"Instructional Technology is the theory and practice of design, devleopment, utilization, management, and evaluation of processes and resources for learning" -
Human Performance Movement
This movement of on-the-job performance and evaluating performance, job results, and business results has placed a huge scope on this field, thus requiring new designs to be created. -
Impact of Constructivist Teaching and Learning
Authentic or real world learning experiences began to take place as constructivists learn in this way. So the design of these learning tasks had an effect on how instructional design was being practiced and taught. -
Increasing Usage of the Internet
The internet served as another way for instructors to teach learners -
2008 Definition of IDT (latest)
"Educational technology is the study and ethical pratice of facilitating learning and improving performance by creating, using, and managing appropriate technological processes and resources" -
1977 Definition of IDT
"Educational technology is a complex, integrated process involving people, procedures, ideas, devices, and organization, for analyzing problems and devising, implementing, evaluating, and managing solutions to those problems, involved in all aspects of human learning"