Period: Jul 7, 620 to Dec 11, 630
Hijra till the Conquest of Makkah
This was the segment of the history of Islam where it began to spread, and it began to flourish. All three Great Battles of Islam were found during this period, and Makkah was conquered. -
Aug 11, 620
First Aqabah of Yathrib Muslims
As the Prophet's wife Khadijah (raa) passed away, as well as Abu Talib, the Prophet was beginning to feel desperate. Muslims were in need of dire help and urgent followers. Amazingly, by the will of Allah, in Dhul Hijjah of 620, a group of people from Yathrib met with the Prophet during their stay in Makkah for pilgrimage, and accepted Islam. These 12 told Muhammed that the next year, they will bring more of the people of Yathrib. In effect, the Muslims gained 12 followers out of Makkah. -
Aug 14, 621
Second Aqabah of Yathrib Muslims and Pledge
As promised, the men who have converted to Islam the previous year visited Makkah the following year, but brought along 73 men and women. They all accepted Islam. Furthermore, the Prophet explained the ongoing crisis of the believers in Makkah. The Khazraj clan agreed to provide a new place for the Muslims to live in, and took an oath to do so, and to protect the Prophet and his followers. This delighted the Prophet, and the news of a new home for the Muslims excited every single one. -
Sep 9, 622
Migration to Madina and Attempted Assassination
As promised, Yathrib opens it's doors of it's homes to immigrants. People begin leaving Makkah during the nights of early September, leaving most of their belongings. As the Prophet has some trusts to return to the people of Makkah, he comes later, after escaping assassination. He travels with Abu Bakr. -
Sep 24, 622
Arrival at Madina
The Prophet, after the tiring journey from Makkah until Madina, finally arrives at Madina. He lets his camel choose where to settle, and pairs the Ansar with the Muhajiroon. It is this month in which Masjid al Nabawi is made. He then made one Ummah, from people of Aws and Khazraj along with the Makkans. -
Mar 13, 624
Battle of Badr
After settling in their first year in Madina, the patrolling companions of the Prophet found a Makkan caravan carrying the wealth of their houses back in Makkah being traded from Sham. The Prophet SAW dispatched a small raiding squadron to intercept the caravan. Abu Sufyan, the leader, then called for an army from Makkah, of a 1000 men. As for the Prophet, he could gather 303, barely armed. He sent them out to Badr, an area outside of Madina, and with Allah's help, they were granted victory. -
Mar 19, 625
Defeat at Uhud
The Prophet knew that the Quraysh would eventually come back to avenge their defeat. One year passed after the Muslims won Badr, when a letter from the Prophet's uncle Abbas came to Madina. He said that the Quraysh were gathering an army of 3000, armed to the teeth, and were heading to Madina. The Prophet decided to bring out his own army, and to withstand them, gathered 1000. But 300 of the men, hypocrites and doubters, turned back. With 700 men, the Prophet's men lost the battle. -
Mar 31, 627
Battle of the Trench
Gaining confidence over the victory of Uhud, the Quraysh began to plan the final one; the last and finishing attack on Madina. They planned to go out into the streets, flooding with numbers, and to kill the Prophet SAW. The Quraysh had allied with many tribes, including Banu Quraidhah, one of the tribes of Madina, and have gained numbers of 10000, heading for Madina. The Prophet’s companion, Salman al Farsi (raa) had the idea of digging a trench around Madina, and it held off the forces. -
Apr 1, 627
The Siege of Banu Quraydhah
Now, after the Battle of the Trench was won, Jibreel the angel informed the Prophet that the war wasn’t over yet. The Prophet understood, Jibreel was saying this concerning the treason of Banu Quraidah, one of the tribes of Madina that held a treaty with Rasoolallah. The Prophet told the Muslims that the war wasn’t over. The Muslims surrounded the castles of Banu Quraidhah, besieging them. After 25 days, the people gave in. The men were beheaded, and the women and children were sold as slaves. -
Nov 25, 630
Breaking of the Treaty
After good days in Madina from the peace, and development, the peace was suddenly broken. A clan allied with Quraysh, Banu Bakr, ambushed and killed a group of men from Khuza'a, the Prophet's allies, as they were sitting around a fire at night, reciting Quran. This broke on of the clauses in the treaty which stated: "an attack on an ally of the party, will be considered an attack on the party itself". This was a direct breach of the treaty, and Quraysh decided to dissolve the treaty. -
Dec 11, 630
Conquest of Makkah
This was it. The breach of the treaty. The Muslims had gained numbers during the peace. The people of Madina decided it was the time, to face the enemy. Together, armed, unified, and prepared, 10000 men marched from Madina to Makkah. In the masses, and chanting the takbeer, the Quraysh were scared of the revenge of Muhammed, but he SAW said: "This day there is no reproof against you; Go your way, for you are free." The people of Makkah were astonished at the mercy, and accepted Islam, all. -
The Treaty of Hudaybiyah
Uthman bin Affan was returned to the Muslims unharmed. Along with Uthman, an emissary was sent, Suhail bin Amr. He told the Prophet that the Quraysh would like to negotiate with the Muslims. The Prophet, in interest, agreed to strike a treaty with the Quraysh. They agreed to the Muslims being sent home now, coming back next year, and allowed to come back every year after that, but most importantly, an upholding of 10 years of peace between the Muslims and the Quraysh. Surat Ahzab was revealed. -
After the Treaty, the Prophet decided that with peace, it was the oppurtunity to invite the world to Islam. He then wrote and dispatched 7 letters with 7 ambassadors. The letters were to Heraclius the emperor of Byzantium, Chosroes II the emperor of Persia, the Negus of Ethiopia, Muqawqis the ruler of Egypt, Harith Gassani the governor of Syria, Munzir ibn Sawa the ruler of Bahrain and to the Maharajah of Kashmir. These letters introduced Islam to them, and many of these lands became Islamic. -
Pledge of the Tree
Upon reaching Makkah, the Prophet sent out a respected man from the Quraysh, Uthman bin Affan, to talk with the people of Makkah upon entrance. The Prophet’s people began to see that it was taking longer and longer for Uthman to return from Makkah. Rumors began to spread around the group that the Quraysh had killed Uthman. The Prophet gathered his companions under a nearby tree, and they all took a pledge to avenge Uthman's death. -
Attempted Umrah
The Prophet SAW has a dream; that he was making tawaf around the Kaabah. This interpreted into Allah telling him to go for Umra. The Prophet told his people, and they were delighted. A group of 1400 men and women left Madina for Makkah. The Prophet also instructed his companions to be lightly armed, in case anyone were to attack them. The Prophet’s people left, expecting Quraysh to let them in, as it is a custom to honor any guest to Makkah for pilgrimage.