4th Grade Digital Portfolios
Every 4th Grade student will set up a digital portfolio -
Textbook Adoptions
All textbook adoptions are digital -
May 2016
Six tablet devices in every K and 1st grade classroom -
Grade Level Application
Each grade level will select one application to standardize for the 2016-2017 school year -
Back to School Webcast
Administration and PTO will use a webcast for their portions of Back to School event to allow for more time in classrooms -
5th Grade 1 to 1 Chromebooks
There will be a 1 to 1 ratio of Chromebooks for every 5th grade student -
Google Classroom
All second through fifth grade classrooms are utilizing Google Classroom -
5th Grade Digital Portfolios
Every 5th Grade student will set up a digital portfolio -
4th Grade 1 to 1 Chromebooks
There will be a 1 to 1 ratio of Chromebooks for every 4th grade student -
Student Web Sites
4th and 5th Graders publish their personalized web site -
School and District Policy of Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) is established -
4th Grade Digital Portolios
Every 4th Grade student will set up a digital portfolio -
Student Lead Open House
5th Grade students share digital portfolios for open house -
3rd Grade 1 to 1 Chromebooks
There will be a 1 to 1 ratio of Chromebooks for every 3rd grade student -
3rd Grade Digital Portolios
2nd Grade 1 to 1 Chromebooks
There will be a 1 to 1 ratio of Chromebooks for every 2nd grade student -
2nd Grade Digital Portfolios
Every 2nd Grade student will set up a digital portfolio -
1 to 1 tablets
Every Kindergarten and First Grade has individual tablet devices