health final project

  • Date of birth

    Date of birth
  • first year of life

    first year of life
  • second year of life

  • third year of life

  • fourth year of life

  • First year of kidergarten

    First year of kidergarten
    I didnt get along with the other kids and was not that social due to my shyness. I got help from my teacher in making new friends and knowing the other kids felt the same way i did
  • Vegetables are ew

    Vegetables are ew
    I wouldnt eat vegetables and sometimes fruits. My parents always told me i need to eat my vegetables to be stronger and i felt left out because all the other kids would eat it at lunch so I decided to try a couple different types of vegetables and fruits and ended up liking some so my health was back to a normal diet.
  • Uncle started to smoke again

    Uncle started to smoke again
    My uncle started to smoke again. After quiting for a while because it was going to effect his health. Three health conditions i am worried about is lung disease, cancers and heart dieseas. Smoking can damage his health.
  • Stress

    I was in the third grade and experienced mean girls. This gave me so much stress because i didnt fit in and i wouold get picked on and got sick of it. It effected me physically, i would argue with the girls but one day i managed to take care of it buying using seek support and stepping up to them.
  • Accident

    I lost two of my favorite cousins due to a car crash. I was in Anger and Hope. I was very angry because i didnt understand how this could happen and wished i couldve done something but i was powerless. I also had hope because i knew everything was going to be okay and it less painful for all of us and look ahead at the good things in life.
  • Middle school here I come

    I graduated the 5th grade a moved on to middle school. Which i was very exited for!!
  • Flu

    I was sick for an entire week with the flu and missed out on a lot. Three things i did to treat myself was got plenty of rest,Toke medication to reduce fever and also got lots of fluids to help get rid of the germs. Next year i will be sure to have habits like washing my hands,Sneeze or cough into a tissue and also keep my hands away from my eyes, nose and mouth to keep germs away.
  • Family history

    I started to learn about my family history and diabetes,heart disease,high cholesterol and high blood pressure run in my family i started to realize i need to pay attention to my health and four ways i can help lower my risk of these condtions are exercise daily, balance my nutriton, aviod use of drugs and stay up to date with my family doctor.
  • what is happening ?

    what is happening ?
    Puberty begins. I physically started to change and also mentally and emotionaly. more aware that i have responsibilities and realize that i need to take a big step in becoming more confiddent in who i am. Also some flaws in your appearance will drive you crazy.
  • Abstinent

    I pledge to stay abstent till marriage three tips my parents advise me are preventing my self from gettind STD's, pregnacies and setting a good goal for a myself and my future
  • Bestfriend starts to drink

    four negative effects i am concerned about are addiction she might get, loss of brain function, heart damage and high blood pressure. And that can affect her other ways such as quiting the soccer team due to her conditions.
  • Takes keys away from best friend

    My party was drunk at a party and thought she could drive home so i took her keys and warned her about drinking a driving because it can be dangerous you can hurt yourself an dother people and also can get your license token away for good.