21st Century CODE Research Report - Infographic
What did our research tell us about the success of last year's project? How did that data inform our learning plan?
Research Report Infographic -
System Priorities 2014-2015
How does the work align with system priorities and with the board's 21st Century Blueprint?
System Priorities -
Administrators' Carousel
How can we support administrators as they develop the board's vision within their buildings?
Carousel Storify -
Ministry of Education - 21st Century Round Table
How can we use our "critical mass" to move the whole system forward? What are our levers and our traps?
Exploring the Process of Scaling Up -
Curriculum Carousel
How can curriculum share in the work? How does the work affect curriculum's core business?
21st Century Carousel Debrief -
21st Century CODE Memo Released
How can we share responsibility and leadership in professional learning to meet the board’s vision of quality 21st century teaching and learning throughout the system?
What areas of the blueprint need attention?
EduGAINS 21st Century Learning -
HCDSB 21st Century CODE Plan Developed and Approved
How does our plan meet the goals outlined by the Ministry? How will it meet our board's goals? How will we measure success for each part of the plan? -
CODE Technology Purchases Completed
Elementary Blended Learning Sessions
Secondary Learning Commons Learning Groups
We are learning to:
- develop a common understanding of a learning commons in secondary schools in HCDSB
- identify how a learning commons can support students in demonstrating the 21st century outcomes and curriculum expectations
- identify how we can work collaboratively to support student learning Vision of Learning Commons -
21st Century Collaborative Inquiry Launch (Part 2)
How will our learning together model the learning for the project teams? -
21st Century CODE Project Update
Where are we in relation to our goals? What is our evidence? -
Secondary Blended Learning Session