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Hawaiian History

  • Period: 200 to 500

    Polynesians arrived in Hawaii.

    It is important because they started to live in Hawaii.
  • Kamehameha I conquered Hawaii.

    Kamehameha I conquered Hawaii.
    It is important because many islands unified into one country.
  • Kamehameha I commissioned the Hawaiian flag.

    Kamehameha I commissioned the Hawaiian flag.
    It is important because it is now Hawaii's state flag.
  • Americans arrived in Hawaii.

    It is important because it influenced Hawaii in a religious way. They brought Christianity.
  • Kamehameha III proclaims Honolulu as the capital of Hawaii.

    Kamehameha III proclaims Honolulu as the capital of Hawaii.
    It is important because it remains the capital to this day.
  • Japanese arrived in Hawaii to work on plantations.

    Japanese arrived in Hawaii to work on plantations.
    It is important because many Japanese started to move to Hawaii, and there are a lot of Japanese today.
  • The United States annexed Hawaii.

    The United States annexed Hawaii.
    It is important because Hawaii became a state in the U.S.
  • The Japanese military attacked Pearl Harbor.

    The Japanese military attacked Pearl Harbor.
    It is important because it made the U.S. enter WW2.
  • Period: to

    Television shows advertise the scenery of Hawaii.

    Many people went to Hawaii to do sightseeing.
  • Obama was elected President of the United States.

    Obama was elected President of the United States.
    It is important because he was born in Hawaii.