
  • Founding of IB

    Founding of IB
    The International Baccalaureate program was founded in Geneva, Switzerland.
  • Beginning of The MYP

    Beginning of The MYP
    The Middle Years Programme began to prepare students ages 11-16 for the eventual entry into the DP.
  • Beginning of The PYP

    Beginning of The PYP
    The Primary Years Programme began to serve students ages 3-12.
  • Formation of IB Virtual Learning Academy

    Formation of IB Virtual Learning Academy
    In light of the global pandemic, IB began creating a database of online resources to help virtual learning.
  • Formation of the "IB for All" Initiative

    Formation of the "IB for All" Initiative
    Global initiative to expand IB schools to lower SES schools to promote better equity of education.
  • Creation of "IB Experiences"

    Creation of "IB Experiences"
    To further promote equity, the IBO created a program to provide exemplary experiences for low income IB students. Week-long leadership summits, study tour trips to promote global-mindedness, etc.