Students in grades 4-6 begin using iPads in a 1:1 basis.
Teachers are seeing the importance of using the iPad as more than just a handheld computer. Now, teachers are using the Ipad as a cornerston of developing higher-order thinking skills as project-based learning is replacing traditional summative assessment. -
Period: to
HVE in the Next Five Years
All Staff Members Develop a PLN
Per Balke-Plock, our old forms of PD will soon become obsolete as eachers can differentiate and customize their own professional development, focusing on areas of need or growth without having to sit all day in front of a guru brought in by the site or district leader to talk to the entire group in a "one-size-fits-all" model. -
Harbor View Implements BYOD 1:1 Schoolwide
In the next year and a half, teachers and site administration will owrk out the procedures and protocols necessary to roll out a full BYOD 1:1 for all students K-6. -
Teachers Begin Using Games/Online Simulations
To reach Digital Natives, it is imperative that larger parts of the curriculum be presented in a medium that they are familiar with. Thus, teachers and site leader will collaborate to create games and online simulations as a method of teaching and reinforcing essential material. These games will be refined in the coming years with additional ones added each year to become significant parts of the curriculum. -
All Textbooks/Novels Used In School Will Be Digital
With apps like Subtext and iBooks, there is little need to have large textbooks or class novels, especially with Harbor View being a BYOD 1:1 school. All textbooks will be digital, allowing students the opportunity to put all of the books in their backbacks onto their digital devices. -
Digital Electives Become Part of the Curriculum
Right now, it is challenging for students in elementary school to be able to take different electives due to limitations in instructors, classroom space, textbooks, supplies, etc. Now, students can learn a foreign language or coding using their devices. Rather than all students going to a class or pull-out, students will be able to sample different electives at the same time based on interest. -
Digital Portfolios Take the Place of Standardized Testing As A Means of Assessing Student Learning
As Prensky illustrates, Digital Natives are already savvy in using multimedia to demonstrate learning. It will take several years for the Digital Immigrants currently teaching to determine the skills and projects that will showcase significant growth and learning for students as they progress through learning. Digital portfolios will also begin to allow students who are motivated and/or gifted to move quicker through schooling, easing the need for "grade levels" as shown by Sir Ken Robinson.