2000 BCE
First Settlers
I chose this because it is always important to know who the first people to conquer the land are. -
1250 BCE
Trojan War
I chose this event because wars are important and they cause other events to happen in the future. -
1100 BCE
Beginning of Mycenaean period
I chose this because it is good to know when something starts and ends for other events in the future. -
850 BCE
Greek Alphabet was created
This is an important event because without the alphabet there wouldn't be a greek language. -
776 BCE
First Olympic Game
The reason i chose this event is because -
650 BCE
The rise of the Greek Tyrants
I chose this because they were on the come up and that is very important in history. -
611 BCE
Invention of Cartographs
This is very important because it creates maps. Maps helped explore land/conquer it. -
600 BCE
First Greek coins were made
i chose this event because at this time, Greeks were able to buy/purchase things. -
508 BCE
Democracy started in Athens
This is important because the Greeks now have a government source to rely on. -
497 BCE
Persian War
I chose this event because wars are important & they cause large amounts of change afterwards. -
445 BCE
Pelonnesion War
This is important because wars always cause unexpected events & change things in a good/bad way. -
445 BCE
Age of Pericles
I chose this event because Pericles was a great person who did so many successful things in greek history. -
431 BCE
Second Peloponnesian War
I chose this because wars cause different events to happens after them. -
430 BCE
Bubonic Plague in Athens
This is very important because this had an impact on the population, while the population has an impact on everything else. -
428 BCE
Alarm was invented by Plato
This is important because it reminds people to either do something that they would've forgot or wake them up. This is a very reliable source because you can use it for lots of things. -
413 BCE
Syracuse Defeat Athens
I chose this because when a group/army gets defeated it is important. -
336 BCE
Alexander the great became in power
This is important to know because you should always know who is running your state/country. -
323 BCE
Alexander The Great Dies
i chose this event because we learned alot about him and he is very important in Greek history. -
322 BCE
Aristotle Dies
i chose this because Aristotle was a very important person in Greek history. -
279 BCE
Invasion of Greece by Gauls
I chose this because the Greek overcame the gauls eventually. -
Bibliography (Sources)