Gracie's timeline

  • The day I was born

    The day I was brn was March 23rd 2001 at 6:30 pm. I was the only baby being born on that floor so there were so many people in the room my mom could have sworn that she saw the janitor in the back.
  • The first time I ate an Oreo

    The first time I ate an Oreo I was 2 and my sister Faith had a 8 pack and I asked if I could have one. So she gave me one then looked away and once she looked at me I had Oreo all over my face and hair and hardly any of it got in my mouth and then I asked for another one.
  • My first day of kindergarden

    My first day of kindergarden I was so excited because i knew how to read and write and I couldn't wait to show my teacher what I could do
  • my sister's sweet 16 party

    My siters name is Faith and we threw her a sweet 16 birthday party and i got to invite my friend Tara Billharz and we had a Disney movie marathon. It was so much fun that i wished that we could do it again for her 17th birthday
  • the first time that i went to LUMY

    LUMY is a sunday school for teens at my church and you start in 6th grade so it was a big deal when i finally was in 6th grade.
  • The first time that I got a MVP medal

    The first time I got a MVP medal was at a Belton soccer tounoament and what made it really special was that the other team chooses the MVP (Most Valubale Player) so I felt like I acoplished something huge.