Sandhurst Manifiesto
Cánovas wrote this manifesto, which the prince signed in Sandhurts, in which he allowed a constitutional government. -
Period: to
Reing of Alfonso XII
Thanks to Alfonso de Bourbon, the monarchy can be restored. This was possible thanks to a double process; the political action of antonio Cánovas and a military pronouncement of general martinez campos -
PSOE is founded.
The Spanish Socialist Workers Party was founded by Pablo Iglesias, and was so supported by the rise of the labor movement at that time. -
Period: to
Regency of María Christina.
Maria Christina maintained the restoration with the regency of Maria Christina made during the minority of age of her son Alfonso XIII. -
Bases de Manresa.
Catalan nationalism claimed several things and proclaimed its proposals in the Bases de Manresa, which were formulated by Prat de la Riba. -
Teatry of Paris.
in the crisis of 98, Spain had to sign the Treaty of Paris, where it recognized the independence of Cuba, Puerto Rico and the Philippines -
Period: to
Reing os Alfonso XIII.
Alfonso acceded to the throne in 1902 when there was a crisis in the Canova’s system, the regenerationist influence and the disappearance of Canovas and Sagasta. His reign is divided into two stages divided by the crisis of 1917. -
Tragic week of 1909.
The tragic week were violent riots in Barcelona, they were originated because they forced to mobilize the reservists. -
Disaster of Annual.
It was a military defeat in the Moroccan war that caused 10,000 deaths and caused a huge commotion in public opinion. -
Period: to
Dicatorship of Primo de Rivera.
This dictatorship had two stages: the military directory, in which Primo de Rivera suspended the Constitution, dissolved the Cortes, prohibited political parties, repressed the labor movement and defeated the Moroccans, and the civilian directory, in which the economic well-being of the 1920s and the military victory in Morocco helped Primo de Rivera remain in power until 1930. -
Proclamation of the Second Spanish Republic.
After the abandonment of the King of the country by the municipal elections, on April 14, 1931 the Second Spanish Republic was proclaimed. -
Period: to
Second Spanish Republic
After the resignation of Primo de Rivera, Alfonso XIII wanted to return to the parliamentary system, but in the municipal elections of 1931 the republicans triumphed and the second republic in Spain was proclaimed, after this, the king left the country. -
October Revolution.
The Spanish Confederation of Autonomous Rights (CEDA) demanded to enter the government, which caused the October Revolution of 1934. -
Tragic Spring.
There was so much political violence that the Tragic Spring came, a lot of attacks and street clashes between falangist, communist and anarchist military. -
Period: to
Spanish Civil War.
This war triumphed in rural areas and industrialized ones failed, so the country was divided into two zones: the republican and the soblevated or national. -
Bombing of Gernika
In the bombing of the Gernika the harshness of the fighting of the Civil War was reflected. -
End of the Civil War.
The end of the Civil War was on April 1, 1939, when it moved to the Mediterranean to divide the republican zone in two, while the republicans launched the Ebro offensive that caused many casualties. The rebels defeated, took Catalonia and entered Madrid without resistance.