Ghandi's Return

By keelkls
  • Train

    Godse made up a group of hindu activist to help throw Ghandi off a train. Godse had a dagger and was planning to use it on Ghandi but failed his attempt.
  • Natal Congress

    Natal Congress
    Gandhi stays in Africa to fight for Indian right. He organized the Natal Indian Congress.
  • Free Indians

    Free Indians
    Gandhi returns to India with 800 free Indians
  • Civil Disobedience

    Civil Disobedience
    Gandhi leads a campaign in Civil Disobedience.
  • Jailed

    The final phase of the Civil Disobedience effects thousands of indians, including women, go to jail or get shot.
  • Independence

    Ghandi goes to Africa to try and gain independence for India.
  • World War 1

    World War 1
    Gandhi leads India to help gain independence from Great Britian.
  • Ghandi's Return

    Ghandi's Return
    Ghandi return to South Africa
  • Passive Resistence

    Passive Resistence
    Gandhi leads a campaign of Passive Resistence in effect to Parliament’s passage of the Rowlatt Acts.
  • Gandhi

    Gandhi is the most famous person in India.
  • Released from prison

    Released from prison
    Gandhi is refrained from active participation from politics for several years.
  • Salt

    Ghandi leds a landmark to the ocean to go make salt.
  • London Round Table Conference

    London Round Table Conference
    After being released from jail Ghandi goes to the London Round Table Conference on Indian constitutional reform
  • Called off

    Called off
    Gandhi calls off resistent movement again.
  • First Attepmt

    First Attepmt
    Thr first attempt someone tried to assasin Gandi was during his speech with his wife in Pune.
  • Ghandi Arrested

    Ghandi Arrested
    Ghandi was arrested. He didn't agree with the fact that they had to fight with the British so he told a lot people and they agreed with him. The British didn't like that Ghandi was doing this so they arrested him.
  • Godse's Attempt

    Godse's Attempt
    When Godse found out that Gandhi was out and recovering from prison Godse got all these people to go with him to where Gandhi was staying he was able to speak to Gandhi but he declined. Later Godse saw Gandhi and waved a dagger yelling protest Gadhi Slogans.
  • Cabinet Misson

    Cabinet Misson
    Ghandi negociates with the cabinet misson. They dicidided to think about the new constitutional structure.
  • Derailed Train

    Derailed Train
    There was a schelduled Train for Gandhi and during the train ride it was derailed.
  • Speech Bomb

    Speech Bomb
    Gode and other Hindu's had a plan to assinate Gandhi. They were planning to plant a bomb and it would explode during Gadhi's speech and then they would Shoot Gandhi. The bomb explosed prematurley and Madanla Pahwa was caught and the others got away.
  • Speech

    Gandhi goes to make a speech in Bombay
  • Independence

    India gains independence
  • Hindus vs Muslims

    Hindus vs Muslims
    Gandi still trys to gain peace between Hindus and Muslims.
  • Another Attempt

    Another Attempt
    Gandhi was traveling and there was a train that seperated Ghandi's car and another car delaying Gandhi. When the other vehicle arrived at the Speech there was a bomb thrown. The bomb was meant to kill Gandhi.
  • Ghandi's Death

    Ghandi's Death
    Ghandi was shot by a Hindu in India three times in the chest.