Gettysburg Address

  • Introduction of slavery in the U.S.

    Introduction of slavery in the U.S.
    The beginning of slavery started in 1619 when british people brought 20 enslaved people to Virginia next to Jamestown. The factors that led to the development of slavery were the shortage of labor, racial attitudes, and religious factors. Over all people just wanted other people to do there work. I don't know if we will ever know the real reasons slavery started but at least we can get and idea.
  • War of 1812

    War of 1812
    The war of 1812 was fought between the U.S. and Great Britain. The reason for this war because of British violations of U.S. maritime rights. Some of the reasons leading up to this was trade and little things about territory. This war lasted 32 months. There is not as much information about this war as others. We even struggle to find the right dates for it. But it was still an important part of our history.
  • The Declaration of Independence

    The Declaration of Independence
    Like the Gettysburg Address it also talks about liberty and equality. But it declares the general statement of the natural rights theory and the government. If you look at the texts closely it kind of seems like they were trying to get at the same thing. The purpose of it was to explain foreign nations and why they has chosen to separate themselves from Great britain. It was written by Thomas jefferson. The purpose of this speech was good and helped inspire movements in our country.
  • Erie Canal Opens

    Erie Canal Opens
    When the Erie canal opened it was a great success. The numbers went up in settlement in the midwest due to this. It was significant because it connected to lake erie and the Great lakes system to the Hudson river. It was the longest artificial waterway and the biggest public project in North America. Overall it was a good thing and opened up transportation.
  • Abolitionist Movement

    Abolitionist Movement
    They started the process of the Abolitionist movement in 1830. Abraham Lincoln decided that slavery needed to come to a end. Although it was started by William Lloyd Garrison. The purpose of this movement was to get rid of slavery. They sent many petitions out to the congress and worked very hard towards this goal. All this work paid off because slavery was abolished in finally on December 18th 1865.
  • Texas Declares Independence

    Texas Declares Independence
    The Texas declaration of independence was passed by the consultation. This happened when Texas and Mexico were at War. Texas had been a part of many political entities throughout history. So that's a big reason they wanted independence. This was a big thing for the people in Texas and they finally felt like they were able to do what they wanted.
  • Fugitive Slave Act

    Fugitive Slave Act
    The Fugitive Slave Act was a set of federal laws. It allowed for the capture and return of runaway slaves who were in the U.S.. This punished the slaves because even if they escaped some of them would still be found and brought back to there slaveholders. It also punished fugitives because they could not testify on their own behalf. Depending on the person some people thought this was a good thing and others thought it was bad. I think it was not good because it was harder for slaves to be free.
  • Beginning and ending of the Civil War

    Beginning and ending of the Civil War
    The Civil war started at 4:30 am on April 12th 1861. The cause of it was that the Confederate troops fired on fort sumter. There were many events leading up to this but the main reason was because of tension from the northern and southern states about slavery. The Civil war ended April 9th 1865. It ended because the Confederate general lee surrendered to the Union at the battle of Appomattox. These events are very important to our history and will never be forgotten.
  • Delivering of speech/ Gettysburg Adress

    Delivering of speech/ Gettysburg Adress
    This speech was written by Abraham Lincoln. This speech was very meaningful and important to people. It talked about our liberty and also recognized how everyone should be treated equally. It also gives credit to people who were in the civil war and dedicated there life. Overall this speech was important because of all the things that were recognized and said.
  • The northerners response to the secession of the Southern states.

    The northerners response to the secession of the Southern states.
    The response of the northerners was that they just simply wouldn't live by the southerners rules. They complained many times to the southerners to see election results but they wouldn't show them. Lincoln spoke forcefully against this. Some people believe that this probably was one of the factors that lead up to the civil war.