1st president

George Washington Timeline Project

  • Early life

    Early life
    George Washington was born in february 22, 1732 into a wealthy family when it comes to farming (planter). Their family at that time was in virginia.
  • Early life

    Early life
    At this time George Washington was 17 years old. He volunteered to be a surveyor. A a surveyor job is to measure the distance between somewhere to somewhere else.
  • Political Career

    Political Career
    After being known as a colonel he later joined the house of burgesses, he was a representative in the house of burgesses.
  • Military Service

    Military Service
    After the Indian war and joining as a volunteer, George Washington then resigned to be in the militia as a full colonel. He was known for his bravery from the war.
  • Political Career

    Political Career
    When George Washington was a representative. England has passed a lot of acts such as the stamp act, sugar act, and the townshend act.
  • Military Service

    Military Service
    After not agreeing with the British of their “taxation without representation”, he doesn't want the British to be part of the colonies. Therefore, a war broke out and george washington was elected to be the general.
  • Early life

    Early life
    After a few years of being a surveyor, George Washington volunteered to be in the colonial militia or just a volunteer army. In which soon led a battle or a war named “the Indian war”.
  • Military Service

    Military Service
    In the winter of 1777, a quarter of George Washington troops died at Valley Forge, PA. The reason why George Washington troops died is because of cold, starvation and also disease.
  • Military Service

    Military Service
    With his strong leadership he led the rest of the army to its destination and fought. The battle later known as the Battle of Yorktown in 1781.
  • Political Career

    Political Career
    After the bloody battle in Yorktown, George Washington presided over the Constitutional Convention, where the U.S constitution was written.
  • Legacy

    Where he was known as the first president from the United States and also among the founding father.
  • Legacy

    His leadership was shown and put the country together in a state of argument in the bill of rights, and therefore that is one of his legacy also.
  • Political Career

    Political Career
    George Washington is later selected to be the first United States president, when the country was quite brand new.(P.S he left the presidency in 1797.
  • Views on Slavery

    Views on Slavery
    Although George Washington want to express his ways of thinking about slaves, he was a afraid it would tear a new found country apart so he kept his mouth shut
  • Legacy

    Before he left off as president, he delivered a farewell address. In the letter or the address he warned that Americans have to stay together and fight for their peace.
  • Views on Slavery

    Views on Slavery
    At this point in time George Washington thinks that not all should have freedoms and he have around 100 slaves at his home.
  • Views on Slavery

    Views on Slavery
    Slowly after that George Washington changed his mind that slavery shouldnt be allowed maybe because he have northerners friends.
  • Views on Slavery

    Views on Slavery
    When at his own death, George Washington said that all of his slaves are allowed to be free when he died.
  • Legacy

    Today, Washington estate is a National Historic Landmark. Its also a place where you can learn more about George Washington (his slave quarters are also included too) .