
GED507: A History of Technology in Education

By macole
  • Sidney Pressey's Teaching Machine

    Sidney Pressey's Teaching Machine
    In the mid-1920's Sidney Pressey develops a four option multiple choice teaching machine.
  • Alan Turning's Impact

    Alan Turning's Impact
    Alan Turing’s paper “On Computable Numbers” describes technology that comes to be known as a “Turing Machine,” a precursor to our modern computers
  • WWII Impact

    WWII Impact
    The US Office of Education first requested funds for film production in fiscal year 1940-41. In January of 1941 The US Office of Education formed the Division of Visuals Aids for War Training
  • BF Skinner

    BF Skinner
    BF Skinner studies teaching methods and develops his teaching machine.
  • Blooms Taxonomy

    Blooms Taxonomy
    Benjamin Bloom and coauthors Max Englehart, Edward Furst, Walter Hill, and David Krathwohl published Taxonomy of Educational Objectives. This became known as “Blooms Taxonomy.”
  • Period: to


    1960-1972: The PLATO (Programmed Logic for Automatic Teaching Operation) project began at the University of Illinois. The TUTOR programming language was created for use with these PLATO systems.
  • New Vocabulary

    New Vocabulary
    1963: Tod Nelson coined the terms “hypertext” and “hypermedia.”
  • New Vocabulary

    New Vocabulary
    The word “edutainment” is coined by Dr. Chris Daniels as a portmanteau combining “education” and “entertainment.”
  • Apple I Computer

    Apple I Computer
    Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak design the Apple I Computer, the first personal computer of its kind. This would make computers more affordable, allowing them to be purchased for use in homes and schools. 
  • World Wide Web

    World Wide Web
    The World Wide Web is born, brought to life by Tim Berners-Lee, a British scientist working at CERN. It went live in 1991 and people outside of CERN were allowed to join.
  • Online High Schools

    Online High Schools
    The first online high school is founded. CALCampus presents online curriculum on the World Wide Web.
  • Serious Gaes

    Serious Gaes
    The serious game movement begins with the release of America’s Army. Created by the US Army as a tool to recruit and train soldiers in a gaming environment.