Born on October 2, 1869 -
at the age of 13 he got married
Gandhi set sail for England, where he had decided to pursue a degree in law
In September 1888, at age 18, Gandhi left India, without his wife and newborn son
Gandhi spent 20 years in South Africa working to fight discrimination.
Gandhi established the Natal Indian Congress (NIC)
When the Boer War in South Africa in 1899, Gandhi organized the Indian Ambulance Corp in which 1,100 Indians heroically helped injured British soldiers.
Got arrested for 6 years
Gandhi participates in the Round Table Conference
Gandhi retired from politics at age 64
Gandhi and 78 followers marched out from the Sabarmati Ashram and headed to the sea, about 200 miles away, just for sea salt
Kasturba bore Gandhi four sons and supported Gandhi's endeavors until her death in 1944.
Great Britain granted independence to India and to the newly formed Muslim country of Pakistan
He didnt eat to stop the violence