
Gandhi's amazing story leading India to independence

  • Sepoys rebell

    Sepoys rebell
    Soldiers were taken to prison because they refused to accept the cartilages that had pork fat. The sepoys (Indian soldiers) rebelled, they marched to Delhi where they joined Indian soldiers. They captured Delhi, and from then on the rebellion spread to northern and central India. (Sepoy Mutiny) In this picture you can see the pig fat filled cartilages that the sepoys refused to fill because it was against their religion.
  • Britan takes over

    British government took direct command of India, as a result of the mutiny.
  • Indian National Congress

    Indian National Congress
    Indian National Congress was made because of the growing nationalism. Indian people began to become mad because they were not paid enough and were treated as second class citizens. These were some representatives of the Indian National Congress, which was made up of Hindus. However, there were still a few Muslims.
  • Burning of the British passes

    Burning of the British passes
    He is headed to south africa as a lawyer representing Indians who felt they were not treated equally. But, he was kicked out of the train because he was Indian, colored and he went in first class when he was not supposed to. He also gave his speech of equality in front of many people. Then they began to burn the british passes and got arrested. Furthermore, Gandhi made a speech to Indians and told them that they must keep fighting and don't let the British take their obedience and self control.
  • Muslim League is created

    Muslim League is created
    Muslim league was created at this time. It was not created together with the Indian National Congress because the British separated the Muslims and the Hindu to make it harder for them to unite and declare independance. This are the representatives of the Muslim League back in the day. Only Mulism could join this league. Whereas, the Indian Congress Party had a few Muslims.
  • Gandhi travels thorugh India

    Indians come back from Africa, including Gandhi and everyone welcomes them. He then goes to a meeting of politicians who wanted independence for India but in different ways, and meets Jinnah. Then, he goes around India to see how other people live.
  • Gandhi gives a speech

    The head of the Muslim league gave a speech. They were relieved that US joined the war because it was now going to end. Gandhi gave another speech and says that the speeches they make are not heard throughout all of India. Also, he does not want for the rich people take the British positions, but instead have equality.
  • Gandhi helps the poor

    A man approaches Gandhi asking him for his help. Gandhi goes to some villages in the countryside to help Indians because they are very poor and have nothing. Gandhi gets arrested again because the British were mad that he was telling Indians about independence. This date is very important because it made Gandhi realize that all of India needed his help. But, not only to gain independence but to create equality.
  • Indian Troops return from war

    Indian troops returned to India from the war and expected the promise that the British made to be fulfilled. The promise was that if Indians listed for the British army and helped out with the war then the the british government would make reform that would lead to self-government. But, when they got back Indians were still treated as second class citizens. Some of the radical nationalists made violent acts against the British to show they hatred.
  • Disaster Strikes

    Gandhi meets with the British governors, and they granted poor people their rights. They decide to have April 6 as a day of fasting and prayer. Turn out, that day was a total disaster and many people were getting killed. Indians began to protest and many were hurt, the protestors attacked the Indian policeman and killed them. Gandhi was very disappointed and said that he would fast until the Indians would stop, so he began to feel very weak.
  • Amritsar Massacre

    Amritsar Massacre
    General Deyr gave a speech about how they have to attack the british. The british headed over there were all the Indians were and killed them (Amritsar Massacre). Many people were killed and wounded. This picture shows British soldiers killing the Indians.
  • Indians burn their clothes

    Indians burn their clothes
    He and his wife gave a speech about gaining independence and that Hindu and Muslim must work together. Also, that they will not buy any english things to bring them down and they burnt all of their clothes. A woman who was daughter of a British man moved to India to follow Gandhi, her name was Mirabehn. This picture shows people in India burning their clothes because it was from the british. Also, from now on they were going to make their own clothes to avoid giving money to the british.
  • Rowlatt Acts

    Rowlatt Acts
    British passed the Rowlatt Acts. These were laws that permitted the government to jail protesters without trial for as long as two years. However, to Western-educated Indians, denial of a trial by the jury was violating their human rights. Many Indians and Muslims were mad and went to protest to a city called Punjab. This picture shows the actual Rowlatt Acts.
  • Congress Part endorsed civil disobiedence

    Congress Part endorsed civil disobiedence
    Gandhi suggested that the Indian Congress followed a policy of non cooperation with the british government. On this date the Congress party endorsed civil disobedience, which meant the deliberate and public refusal to obrey an unfair law, and nonviolence as the means to have independence. Soon, Gandhi launched a civil disobedience campaign to weaken the British. Indians refused to pay British taxes or buy any good, clothes etc. This shows Gandhi making his clothes instead of buying them.
  • Salt March (movie)

    Salt March (movie)
    Gandhi tells the story his marriage and how he got married (Age 13). The Salt March happened, where Gandhi and his followers went to the sea and evaporated some water and were left with salt. This picture shows Gandhi and his followers heading towards the Sea for the Salt March.
  • Salt March

    1930- Gandhi organized a demonstrations to defy the hated Salt Acts, which meant that the Indians could only buy salt from the British government. Gandhi and his followers walked a long way to the seacoast, and began to collect their own saltwater and by evaporating the water they were left with only salt. This was called the Salt March. They also headed to a place where the government made salt and tried to shut the place down. As a result, many Indians were killed or arrested, including Gandhi
  • British Parliment passed the Government of India Act

    Gandhi and his followers still reaped the rewards of their civil disobedience and gained political power in India. On this date the British parliament passed the Government of India Act. Which provided local self-government and limited democratic elections. Still, it did not guarantee them complete independence.
  • India gets divided

    India gets divided
    The british house of commons passed an act that granted two nations, India and Pakistan indepence in one month. Many independent native princes were deciding which place join. This resulted in violence between the Muslims and Indian groups. Gandhi went to the Indian capital (delhi) to beg for fair treatment of Muslim refugees.

    This map shows the division made with India (Hindus) and Pakistan (Muslism). This was called partition.
  • The Fight

    Pakistan and Indias people begin to fight which makes Ganhi really dissapointed because the last thing he wanted was violence and this was leading into a civil war.
  • Jawaharlal Nehru

    Jawaharlal Nehru
    Nehru became India's first prime minister. India had a democratic government. This picture shows Indias prime minister Nehru.
  • Gandhi is murdered

    Gandhi is murdered
    A hindu extremist who thought Gandhi was too protective of Muslims shot him and killed him. This picure is Gandhis funeral in which many Hindus and Muslims participated in.