Fur Trade

  • French

    the french land in Canada Quebec. French would compete with English when trading furs. French would travel to Natives to trade, while English would invite them to the Hudson Bay Company.
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    Medard des Groseilliers and Pierre-Esprit Radisson

    Brothers in law, French Fur Traders. Both Brothers mapped the great lakes and the surrounding areas of the Hudson Bay Company.
  • Hudson Bay

    Hudson Bay
    Radisson and Des Grosseliers settled on joining the British and creating the Hudson bay Company. This company helped establish relations with First Nations people.
  • Coureurs Des Bois

    Coureurs Des Bois
    Coureurs Des Bois were set apart from other suppliers after 1681. having now to have a license to trade, Coureurs Des Bois opted on not getting one. this action made them outlaws.
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    Voyageurs vs Coureurs Des Bois

    1681 Trading Licence System, this sets Voyageurs and Des Bois apart. Voyageurs would have the licence needed to trade while De Bios became outlaws.
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    Pierre LaVerendye

    French Canadian Military Officer, fur trader and explorer.
  • Voyageurs

    Independent contractor, workers or minor partners. Traders responsible for obtaining goods for aboriginal peoples.
  • Canoe Masters

    Canoe Masters
    Voyageur became a "canoe master," supervising engages, transporter taking goods to Pays d'en haut, and bring furs back to Montreal.
  • Pierre

    Pierre explores with his four sons, the west of Lake Superior, there he established trading posts. This was also to help New France with calming new grounds.
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    Alexander Mackenzie

    Scottish Explorer, crossed North America Mexico.
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    North West Company

    Located in Montreal, was often competing with Hudson Bay Company with success. After few small armed fights, they were forced to merge.
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    Sir George Simpson

    Noted for grasp of administrative detail and his physical stamina in traveling through wilderness.
  • North West Company

    North West Company
    The North West Company, founded 1789, a British rival to Hudson Bay.
  • Mackenzie River

    Mackenzie River
    On behalf of the North West Company he travelled Lake Athabasca. in hopes of finding the North West Passage.
  • Height of Hudson Bay

    Height of Hudson Bay
    During the height of the Hudson Bay power Sir George Simpson with Governor-in-chief.
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    Sir James Dougles

    Governor of Vancouver Island (1851-63) and of British Columbia (1858-64) also a fur trader. Helped Hudson Bay Company become a trading monopoly.
  • NWC Apprentice

    NWC Apprentice
    Sir James Douglas at age 15 was Apprenticed to the North West Company at age 15. Spending 5 years in the counting houses of Fort William and ile-a-la-Crosse, learning the Fur Trade and accounting practices.
  • End of the Fur Trade

    End of the Fur Trade
    When the beaver hat finally went out of fashion. This was the red flag for the end of the fur trade.