Full Tilt By: Samantha Morden

  • Blake

    Blake is a very smart 16 year old, he is also is Quinn's older brother. He is heading off to New York to go to college even though he is quite young. he tries to talk to his brother but ever since their father left Quinn doesn't really talk much he is just outgoing and does crazy things. Blake remembers that QUinn has told him that he "goes places" but Blake doesn't understand yet..
  • Quinn

    Quinn is a 13 year old and is very bold. He has piercings and he isnt afraid to take a dare. Ever since he was little he has told Blake only a few times that he "goes places".
  • Maggie

    Maggie is a very sweet girl and she is also Russ's girlfriend but Blake doesn't really think that she like him and that Russ doesnt really like her because he is all over her and is rough with her, it gets on Blake's nerves. Maggie is very self-conscious about her image and this will play a very important part later.
  • Russ

    Russ is a tough guy and one of Blake's closest friends. He dates Maggie and thinks a lot of himself which can sometimes lead to bad things and it does. Russ likes to live in the moment and he doesn't really care about Quinn unlike when Maggie offered to help Blake go look for him. Russ likes to think nothing bad will ever happen to him and that he has nothing bad about himself.
  • Cassandra

    Cassandra was working a booth at the carnival Blake and his friends were at and she asked Blake if he wanted to try. Blake said yes and won, he got a teddy bear with a little invite inside it. The invite had a little red symbol on it but Blake said he wasn't going to go even though Quinn wanted to. Cassandra is very mysterious to Blake and he likes that he can't quite figure her out. She is very manipulative and finds a way to get Blake to come to her carnival.
  • Beginning

    Blake,Maggie,Quinn,and Russ go to a carnival.
  • Setting

    The setting takes place in two different spots. The first spot is a normal carnival with normal rides and fun games. The second place is a phantom carnival that is ran by Cassandra ans the souls of the people who die and work there.
  • Plot

    Blake has to ride 7 rides beofer dawn and make it out of each ride alive. With Cassandra watching over him and trying to kill him it's a little bit harder but he finds a way to do it. He pushes through each ride and he grows stronger as she grows weaker. He eands up not being so scred and she ends up being the terrified one.
  • The symbol

    The symbol
    The red symbol on the invite was the symbol to get into her carnival and they needed it to go in and save Quinn. HTey didn't have the invite so they couldn't get in but Blake told the man about the situation and Cassandra told him to let them in.
  • Cassandra's Carnival

    Cassandra's Carnival
    Cassandra's carnival is not normal. SHe is the "soul" of the park and it thrives off the people that die or don't get out before dawn. That's the rules of the park you have to ride 7 rides and live and do it beofore dawn to make it out alive but so far no one has done it yet...
  • The First Ride

    The First Ride
    The first ride is the the carousel. It starts out normal but the animals start moving and it turns into a desert terrain and it's a stampede. If you fall you become on of the rocks as Blake notices that they have some face features and he almost falls but he makes it through.
  • The Second Ride

    The Second Ride
    The second ride is bumper cars. They start out just playing the simple game but slowly it changes, it changes into a bust highway in Chicago. Blake saw a bright orange car speeding his way trying to run into him. This unlocks part of his memory of what caused his bus to slip onto the cliff. In the car was Cassandra and he said that she was the reason that the bus slipped on the ice and went onto the cliff. She said it was true. Like before if you die you beome a scene in this case a billboard.
  • After The Second Ride

    Blake makes it off the second ride and wanders into a bar and he's confused as to where the third ride is since his symbol hasn't glowed. The bartender gave him a Sherley Temple and said it was from taht girl in the booth, the girl was Cassandra. He sat beside her and he asked her who are you and she said I'm Your worst nightmare and the soul of this park. Well she gets the tender to explain what happend if you die you become part of the park and if you don't get out before dawn your a slave.
  • The Blue Platter

    After he explains that she makes the tender give Blake the Blue Platter Dish and she leaves. When the tender gicves it to him he read the dish and his symbol glows, the booth spins and he finds himself going towards the third ride.
  • The Third Ride

    The Third Ride
    The third is a swinging boat ride. Blake clibs aboard and the floor starts getting flooded and it transforms. He finds the captain and it looks a lot like his future step dad Carl. The captain is after a whale and the whale has the same eyes as his mom so that is who it is meant to represent. Well a storm come and he sees Quinn and gets him from the net and Quinn says he killed the best part and Blake said but that's when you die, Quinn wanted that. They lived. If you died you became a rock.
  • After The Third RIde

    Ater the third ride Blake starts to question Quinn about him not waznting to live. Quinn explains that Blake has so much goign for him and that he has nothing and the whole reason he came to the park is so he could die. Quinn said he knew what he was getting himself into and that is what he wanted. Blake tries to make Quinn understand that he is only 13. Quinn swims away to head to the next and Blake follows him so he doesn't loose him again.
  • The Fourth Ride

    The Fourth Ride
    The fourth ride is a hall of mirrors. This may not seem bad but some of the mirrors show you as ugly creatures and that is what you become. This one is not really for Blake Maggie is the one who gets caught in here. Maggie fell through lots of mirrors becasue she is already self conscious, this just made it worse. Blake ends up finding out that you can get out by walking through the mirrors. So Maggie and Blake go through them together. After a while they start to become good but she got trapped
  • The Fifth Ride

    The Fifth Ride
    The fifth ride is a roller coaster called the Kamikaze at the other park is where Blake rode this and he was terrified. He gets on and the only seat is the first one with a seating bar that won't stay down. The ride transforms into a Japanese suicide plane and Blake is the team leader. He does his best not to crash even though his steering isn't cooperative. When a kid crashes anyway he tirns into a cloud and Blake hopes and finds out that it isn't Quinn. Blake ends up finding the way out.
  • Russ And Blake Fight

    So when Blake gets off a ride Russ tells him they need to stick together. Well he ends up trying to kill Blake so he can leave the carnival. Russ said that Cassandra promised him that he was to kill Blake she would allow him to leave. Blake is very surprised that Russ would try to do this. Russ said that he is only doing it becasue he got of the Ferris Wheel and he tell Blake he doesn't know what it does to you. Blake just figures he can't live with what he saw.
  • The Sixth Ride

    The Sixth Ride
    The sixth ride is the Wheel Of Ra. it has an Egyptian feel and as it starts to change it turns into Egypt when King Tut ruled. Quinn is King Tut and Blake tries to explains to him what happens to King Tut and Quinn won't listen. Quinn starts to feel sick and weak. Cassandra says you cant save him Blake it's too late and Blake starts to loose hope in saving his brother.
  • After Quinn's Fall

    Cassandra tells the gaurds to take Blake to the tomb/dungeon. There he meets his "father", Blake knows it's just the trick of the park that Cassandra has pulled out of his memory. Blake figures that's why he can't see his face becasue he does'nt really remember his father. His "father" explains what this park is and the guard ask if this is really his sisxth ride and helps him get out. Blake finds Quinn and gets out the ride with him.
  • The Seventh Ride

    The Seventh Ride
    The seventh ride is a swinging pod ride that changes into a video game rocketship ride. Quinn and Blake have to work together on this to dodge obstacles from their memories. Cassandra comes in with a rocketship and tries to blow them up but Blake and Quinn outsmart her. Quinn and Blake end up making it out the ride alive and QUinn becomes happy and he doesn't want to die.
  • After The Seventh RIde

    When Blake and Quinn get off the ride Cassandra tells Blake that he can leave but QUinn,Maggie and Russ can't. Quinn can't leave because he only rode 5 rides. Maggie and Russ can't leave becasue their in the works. Blake says that there has to be some way to free them. Cassandra tells him he has to ride one more ride and she points to a single yellow teacup. Blake is scared but he gets on it.
  • Blake's Fear

    Blake's Fear
    Once he starts spinning the teacup it starts to change and it changes to the day his bus went on the cliff. Blake was the only survivor. The bus slipped on the ice when Cassandra came speeding down the highway and it was rocking back and forth on the cliff. Blake was only 7 and he had to unlock the rusted shut emergency door. He had to re live this ride a few times before he got out and he understands what happened and why he was the only that lived.
  • The Ending

    At then end Blake makes it out alive and saves everyone. He made Cassandra weak and she now knew what fear is. Blake destroyed her park and now she has nothing. When Blake,Maggie, and Russ woke up they were in his car that was crushed. He had ran into a tree but Blake knew everything really happned. As he takes one more look at the car he see Cassandra face in the smashed hood. So he figures that Cassandra will always be here but for now she is just resting.