Francisco Pizzaro's life timeline

  • Jan 1, 1478

    When Francisco Pizarro was born

    Francisco Pizarro was born in Trujillo, Spain
  • Period: Mar 18, 1478 to Jun 26, 1551


  • Jun 18, 1513

    he started his expiditions

  • Mar 18, 1524

    first voyage to South Amarica

  • Mar 18, 1526

    second journey to South Amarica

  • Mar 18, 1532

    third voyage to South Amarica

  • Mar 18, 1533

    he took over the city of Cuzco.

  • Mar 18, 1535

    he made Lima the capital of Peru

  • Mar 18, 1535

    He rulled Lima till 1545

  • Jun 26, 1551

    he was killed by Atahualpa's (Atahualpa was the old Inca ruller) cousin