First Nations People in Canada

By GraceNC
  • Sep 16, 1534

    Cartier lands in Newfoundland

  • Champlain establishes Port Royal

  • Champlain establishes Quebec City

  • First Filles du Rois arrive in New France

  • Period: to

    Jean Talon, intendant of New France

  • Radisson and des Groseilliers reach Hudson Bay

  • King of England grants Hudson’s Bay Company a monopoly of trade in Rupertsland

  • Expulsion of the Acadians

  • Period: to

    Seven Years War, 1756 – 1763

  • Period: to

    British conquest of Quebec

  • Treaty of Paris

  • Period: to

    Establishment of the Northwest Company and expansion of HBC trading postsinto the interior; voyageurs and Métis nation,

  • First People cross into the Americas, 18,000 B.C.

  • First People cross into the Americas, 18,000 B.C.

  • Vikings land in L'Anse aux Meadows