Final Project

  • 264

    rivalry between Rome and Carthage

    rivalry between Rome and Carthage
    When Rome conquered the Greek cities of southern Italy it inherited a rival he between those cities in Carthage over trade
    Soon Rome and Carthage became increasingly suspicious of each other
    A struggle between them for control of the western more Mediterranean Seemed unavoidable
    Rome and Carthage fought 3 exhausting wars Called the pubnic wars
    I chose this because I thought it was a really important effect of the chapter
  • 312

    the reign of Constantine

    the reign of Constantine
    constantine Emerged victorious
    The new emperor reunited the eastern and the western territories under his personal rule
    But he took a significant step when he built a new capital at byzantium
    I chose this because I thought it was an important event in the chapter
  • 410

    invasions of the Roman empire

    invasions of the Roman empire
    the general visigoth alaric invaded Italy and sacked Rome
    Roman officials eventually brought piece of granting alaric much of southern Spain and gaul
    I chose this event because it changed a relationship
  • 476

    the fall of Rome

    the fall of Rome
    a minor germanic chief captured Rome and force the emperor to give up the throne
    He then proclaimed himself king of Italy
    Although Rome did not collapse suddenly
    People continue to enforce Roman laws and they spoke Latin although local dialects Developed
    However after 467 A.D. there was no emperor in the west without an emperor to serve as a rallying point the unity of the western your Roman empire ended
    Chose this because it is a very well-known event in history
  • Jul 22, 1100

    the dark age

    the dark age
    Shortly after the fall of Troy are achean civilization suffered a Disastrous blow when dorian Invaders swarmed into Greece
    greese entered in trouble.
    The glory of the achean civilization vanished
    Artistic skills and writing were largely forgotten
    I chose this event because I thought it was really important in the chapter
  • Jun 23, 1250

    The Trojan war

    The Trojan war
    The achaeans Band together under the leadership of the king of macnae To attack Troy, arrival power
    Troy controlled trade routes between the aegean and the black seas
    After I long devastating war the acheans emerged the victors
    I chose this event because I thought it was a really important event in this chapter
  • Jul 22, 1500

    Scientific method

    Scientific method
    Slowly a new approach of scientific study developed that became known as the scientific method
    A combination of observation and reason the scientific method is a three-step approach
    First careful experiments and observations are made
    Second reason is used to interpret the results of the experiments and observations
    Third mathematics rather than logic or reasoning from Principles is used to prove scientific theories
    I chose this event because this method is still used today
  • Jul 22, 1543

    Improvements in medicine

    Improvements in medicine
    During the 1500s and 1600s scientist made important advances in medicine
    Some challenged the theories of galenA Greek physician whose work had dominated medicine in the middle ages
    andreas vesalius , A professor of anatomy Wrote on the structure of the human body, he made accurate drawings of the human
    anatomy that corrected some of galens errors
    This was Very important for science
  • The English civil war

    The English civil  war
    People of all classes for on both sides
    In general Nobles and people in rural Areas rallied to the Kingside
    Parliament Recruited It's troops mostly in southern eastern England
    The Long Parliament decided the king should be put on trial
    Charles the first was executed January 1649
  • the Long Parliament

    the Long Parliament
    The parliament That was called in 1640 would meet in one form or another until 1660
    Known as the Long Parliament it would eventually lead a revolution against the monarchy
    But until 1640, parliament was chiefly concerned with limiting the Kings power and removing unpopular officials
    Before granting Charles request for money, parliament demanded the trial of Charles chief ministers For abusing their power
    I thought this event was important
  • flying shuttle

    flying shuttle
    John Kay a clock maker Invented the flying shuttle
    This replaced the handheld shuttle used in wheezing
    The intro of flying shuttle greatly speeded up the leaving process
    Weavers for soon using thread faster than spinners could produce
    I chose this event because this invention really changedy the way things work
  • spread of new ideas

    spread of new ideas
    Like many philosophies diderot Move to Paris as young man where he met the best thinkers of the day
    Hey darling man diderot Condensed a French bookseller to Publish the encyclopedia or classify dictionary of the sciences arts and occupations
    Between 1751 and 1770 diderot put together a 35 volume
    He hoped the encyclopedia would bring about A revolution in the minds of men to free them from prejudice
  • the stamp act

    the stamp act
    The stamp act taxed a variety of items from newspapers to dice and playing cards people in Britain and other parts of Europe's have been paying such taxes for centuries
    But in the American colonies the stamp act caused an angry reaction
    Delegates from nine colonies met in New York to protest the Stamp Act they claimed the colonist had the same rights as other British subjects
    Parliament was forced to repeal the act but insisted to tax the colonies
    This is an important event still know today
  • water frame

    water frame
    Richard Arkwright Build a machine that could hold up to 100 spindles
    His invention was too heavy to be operated by hand so used water power to turn it
    The production of cotton thread was increased
    I chose this event because it once again changed how life was practiced At that time
  • commands for self-rule in Canada

    commands for self-rule in Canada
    And loyalty of its friend subjects Britain passed the quebec Act
    This act gave French Canadians who were Catholic the right to practice their religion
    It also allow them to continue living under traditional French laws and customs
    I chose this event because I thought it was important in this chapter because it gave Canadian French people a new right
  • the Egyptian empire

    the Egyptian empire
    Napoleon invaded Egypt, the Egyptians broke free of the ottoman rule
    Although the French invasion was brief it sparked Avon the civil war in Egypt
    Mohammed Ali who led the Egyptians against the French seized control of the country in 1805
    I chose this event because it was important in the chapter and although it was short it led to a much bigger event
  • France at war

    France at war
    Dance declared war on Austria
    prussia Then joined Austria
    First the war went badly for France
    French armies were disorganized and poorly blood
    prussia and austria Then advance to Paris threatening to surrender and if not they would burn down the city
    French defeated them and revolutionary armies force the invaders to retreat from France
    This is a very important event and a France victory
  • attacks on the revolution

    attacks on the revolution
    French armies seem to be fighting well
    They had captured the Austrian Netherlands and were threatening the Dutch Netherlands and Prussia
    Great Britain the Dutch Netherlands and Spain joined Prussia and Austria in the war against France
    Five nations fighting the French were hard-pressed
    The revolution was threatened
    I believe this is a very important event in this chapter
  • the reign of terror

    the reign of terror
    There was complain against people considered enemies of France
    Trials were held almost daily throughout France between 20 to 40,000 men women and children were condemned to the guillotine
    This Event was very tragic and an important event in history
  • abolition of the slave trade

    abolition of the slave trade
    The enlightenment some Europeans called for the end of slave trade and slavery
    By the early 1800s this appeal is having an effect
    Britain outlaw the slave trade
    Britain also convinced other nations at the Congress of Vienna to condemn the slave trade
    But Portugal Spain and France the knot and their slave trade until 1820
    This event was important because it ended slave trade it may not have Ended it immediately but eventually did
  • the rocket

    the rocket
    George Steffensen A mining engineer developed the rocket, the first steam powered locomotive
    The rocket could barrel along Rails at 35 miles an hour and astounding speed up the time
    I chose this event because the rocket was a whole new way of transportation
  • The revolutions of 1830

    The revolutions of 1830
    Cultural and religious differences Sparked the nationalist movement among the belgians
    Riots Broke out in Brussels
    belgians Defeated a Dutch army and one the support of Britain and France for their cause
    Austria Prussia and Russia opposed any change
    In time they signed a treaty recognizing belguim As an independent nation
    This is an important event in this chapter
  • the chartist movement

    the chartist movement
    One group drew up a document called the People's charter
    The chartists as his reformers were called demanded the secret ballot and universal man surffrage
    They also wanted members of Parliament to be paid a salary so that poor people could afford to serve
    None of the demands of the Chartist movement were met before it died out in the 1850s but most of them did eventually become a law
    I chose this event because it created new laws and it was important
  • the revolution of 1848

    the revolution of 1848
    Kings sheaf minister canceled a huge public banquet in Paris because he feared it would lead to demonstrations and disorder
    Hearing the banquet was canceled thousands of workers poured into the streets shouting down with guisot
    Troops opened fire and killed some demonstrators the people of Paris erected barricades
    This event is very important and showed a rebellion
  • revolts of the Austrian empire

    revolts of the Austrian empire
    News of the overthrow of louis philippe In France lead to an uprising in Vienna
    Students workers and middle-class liberals Poured into the streets
    They demanded a constitution to end the feudalism And the removal of metternich
    Frightened by the demonstrations The Austrian empire promise perform and dismissed metternich
    I chose this event because it is very important and it showed how much rebellion Could do
  • communist manifeso

    communist manifeso
    Both men blamed the system of industrial capitalism for terrible conditions in factories
    marx and engles Explained their theories in the communist manifeso
    They described a form of socialism in which there would be public ownership of all land and other means of production
    I chose this event because it is still used today but it is called communism
  • the Crimean war

    the Crimean war
    cavour saw the crimean War as a chance to win the allies you needed to drive Austria and Italy
    France and Great Britain had declared war on Russia to prevent Russia from gaining too much influence over ottoman empire
    sardinia won
    first took part in the peace conference
    cavour Use the conference of the stage for much to publicize the demand for Italian unification he won the The support of Napoleon the third and his struggle to end Austrian role in Italy
    This event was a very important war
  • war with Austria

    war with Austria
    cavour Met secretly with Napoleon the third to plan a strategy against Austria
    They decided to trick Austria into declaring war on sardinia
    Then France would send troops to help the sardinians
    In return sardinia Agreed to give savoy and nice to france
    This event was an important war and showed strategies
  • Charles Darwin

    Charles Darwin
    British biologist Charles Darwin published a book that revolutionized science of biology and sparked conversies That have lasted until the present
    In that book Darwin presented a theory of evolution
    According to Darwin's theory of form of life evolved or change over a long period of time
    Simpler forms of life evolved into more complex forms and new forms evil out of older ones
    I chose this event because it was a big theory and it was true
  • the franco prussian war

    the franco prussian war
    People in both France and prussia Felt their nations have been insulted
    France declared war
    the prussianis army could not be stopped in September the prussians defeated the French army
    French resistance was crushed
    French had to sign a treaty giving up alsace and a part of lorraine
    I chose this event because I thought it was a very important war and France steal some of that land
  • the dreyfus affair

    the dreyfus affair
    Alfred Dreyfus The first Jewish officer to be named to the general staff of the French army was accused of giving military secrets to the Germans
    He claimed to be innocent he was convicted of treason and sent to the French panel colony on Devils Island
    a Catholic monarchist was the real traitor
    the dreyfus case deepens the divisions of France
    They thought the injustice suffered by Dreyfus threatened democratic government & individual rights
    This showed how people felt about different Religions
  • energy waves

    energy waves
    wilhelm roentgen A German physicist Discovered energy waves that could penetrate solid matter
    He called these waves x-rays
    X-rays resume put to work in the field of medicine
    I chose this event because it was a big discovery in chemistry and physics that changed medicine today
  • the boer war

    the boer war
    The British officially recognize the independence of the Boer republics in 1852
    Tension between British and boars exposed to war
    The Boer war lasted for nearly 3 years before the boers surrendered
    The war left the Boers with better memories because the British placed thousands of boars in concentration camps were many died
    Boris had to except British rule and British promised them self government as soon as possible
    The British united there south African colonies into the Union of South Africa
  • rise of Julius Caesar

    rise of Julius Caesar
    Pompey disbanded his army and looked for allies
    He found one talented young general, Julius Caesar
    Cesar had one victories in Spain and had attracted a large following in Rome
    He resented the Senate
    Does this because Julius Caesar is still a very known person today
  • beginning of Persian wars

    beginning of Persian wars
    darius Launched an attack across the aegean sea
    When the main Persian wars landed near the plain of marathon, athens asked for help
    They received little support
    athenians One a stunning victory over the Persians
    I chose this event because I believed it really marked the beginning for a big event coming up
  • founding the republic

    founding the republic
    the Romans overthrew the etruscan king and established a republic
    In the Republic all citizens with the right to vote choose their leaders
    The elected leaders represent the people and rolled her name
    The Roman Republic lasted for 500 years, during which time Rome grew from a small city state into world power
    I chose this event because when it was created it lasted for a long time in changed rooms power