Final Exam

  • American Revolution

    American Revolution
    A colonial revolt that took place in America. The 13 colonies finally won their independence from Britain and its brutal king to gain the rights that they deserved. The 13 colonies then became the United States of America and fought on the side of France in the Revolutionary war. This was an important event in the U.S since this was when our country was created.
  • United States Bill of Rights

    United States Bill of Rights
    The United States Bill of rights included the first 10 amendments to the constitution. These rights gives us our civil rights and liberties as citizens of the United States. Some rights include the freedom of speech, press, and religion. This Bill was important because it gave us citizens more rights , therefore the government won't abuse their citizens.
  • Louisiana purchase

    Louisiana purchase
    The Louisiana purchase was a deal between the US and France. The US would get about 827,000 square miles of land west of the Mississippi river for $15 million which at that time was more. This purchase was well spent by the US since now the country is bigger. This event was very important because that purchase was the one that expanded our country the most.
  • Mexican-American War

    Mexican-American War
    This was a war that was fought between the US and Mexico. with this war Mexico would sign the treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, which was to sell land to the US. This war helped the US with its "Manifest Destiny" which was to expand throughout the American continents. This event is important because it made the US gain more power and expand.
  • American Civil War

    American Civil War
    This war was fought in the US between the South and the North. This war resolved the question whether it would be a country that created everyone equal and equal liberties. The Northern side of the US that was led by Abraham Lincoln won the war and slavery finally ended. This was an important event because it kept the US as one nation and helped slavery to be abolished.
  • U.S joins WW1

    U.S joins WW1
    The U.S was neutral in the war until 1917 when they decided to join the allied powers to fight the triple alliance. Since they U.S entered the war late they did not have as much casualties as other countries did. In addition the allied powers were victorious in this war. This was important because the U.S strengthen his ties with Britain and France forming great partnerships they also prevented Germany from taking over the world.
  • the great depression

    the great depression
    the great depression was caused by the stock market crash that wipped out millions of investors and lasted for a decade. this prevented companies from being able to employ people as there was barely any consumers as the production went down and everyone was loosing their job. at one point 15 million people were unemployed. this is important because it was the worst economic problem we have been in
  • manhattan project

    manhattan project
    it was the project were the U.S was trying to develop and atomic weapon that could do a lot of damage. it was started because there was a rumor that germany had developed a similar weopon and would use it in war to take over the world. this was important because we ultimately did develop the atomic bomb and actually used it
  • Red Scare

    Red Scare
    A time in the US were the fear of communism started to spread throughout the US. People were being blamed on being communist,people that was involve with communism were blacklisted, when blacklisted people weren't able to work and ruined their reputation. With the fear of being blacklisted people started to make things up. This was important because if they wouldn't do anything about it things would've become worse.
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    Traffic event in the U.S, when the Japanese navy Air Service deployed a surprise attack at the U.S Naval Base in Pearl Harbor in Honolulu, Hawaii. This led the U.S into WW2 the following day. About 2,000 military personnel were killed during the attack. This was an important event because it made the U.S enter war.
  • Bombing of Hiroshima

    Bombing of Hiroshima
    The bomb was dropped from an american B-29 bomber over the island and immediately killed over 80,000 people and many more died in the following years due to radiation. The bomb had been a work in progress for a long time and the U.S wanted to use it to show their power to the world. This event was important because it helped end the war and if not used many american soldiers would've died.
  • Cold War

    Cold War
    The cold war was a political tension between the United States and the Soviet Union. During this time both countries were fighting to see who had more power. Even though it wasn't a physical war everyone was scared that these tensions could rise up and that a real war happened. This event was important because it showed how the U.S is one of the most powerful countries in the world.
  • Vietnam war

    Vietnam war
    this took place in Vietnam it was the involvement of the U.S to stop the communist north from taking over the democratic south. this was important because it shows that we were not going to let communism spread across the world.
  • Assassination of John F. Kennedy

    Assassination of John F. Kennedy
    Kennedy was the 35th president of the United States and was assassinated while on a car going through Dallas along whit his wife and John Conally who was the governor of Texas at the time. this was an important event because Kennedy was the president of the united States seen as the most powerful man in the nation they couldn't believe he had been killed
  • Civil Rights Act

    Civil Rights Act
    The Civil Rights Act is an act that outlaws any type of discrimination,this includes discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. This act ended segregation in any place like public places and in jobs. Civil Rights Leaders like Martin Luther King Jr. and Roy Wilkins organized many peaceful protests and speeches to stop segregation. This was an important event because it stopped segregation in the country and gave African Americans equal rights.
  • The moon landing

    The moon landing
    Millions of people sat down to see the landing of Apollo 11 on the moon. Apollo carried 2 astronauts named Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin. Once they landed and got out of the spacecraft Armstrong said the following "that's one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind" a phrase that is still iconic to this day. This was an important event because we were in a space race where the U.S and Russia were competing to see who was the most advanced country
  • Mexico-United States Barrier

    Mexico-United States Barrier
    These Barriers were built in 1994 under the presidency of Bill Clinton. This wall would prevent most of the drugs in Mexico to touch American grounds. Measuring about 1,954 miles the barrier is located both in urban and uninhabited sections. This was an important event in the U.S because it can protect U.S citizens and can prevent dangerous things from passing the boarder.
  • 9/11

    New York was the center of one of the most infamous events in U.S history being the collapse of the world trade center. This happen due to the crashing of 2 planes into the towers killing everyone in the planes and thousands more in the towers. This was an important event because since then we have increases our defenses to prevent future accidents like this from happening
  • Election of Obama

    Election of Obama
    Obama ran against John McCain for the presidency of the United States and won the electoral vote and popular vote by a lot. This was important because he was the first African american to run for presidency and win it.
  • death of osama bin laden

    death of osama bin laden
    the U.S army was responsible for the assassination of the most looked for terrorist in the world. the leader of the terrorist group alqaeda was involved with many of the bombings of the embassies of the united states across the world. he was also accused of being involved in the 911 accident. this was important because he was a very dangerous individual who could hurt many people