Dec 1, 1000
New Settlment
Eric Red found a new Settlment in Green Land -
Apr 13, 1451
New Explorer Born
Christopher Columbus was born. -
Dec 1, 1492
First Trip
Columbus went to the monarchs of spain and told them to finance his trip. So he sailded spain with 3 ships named the SANTA MARIA, the NINA, and the PINTA. -
Jan 1, 1497
Search for RICHES
In 1497 a man named John Cabot sailed for more riches for his King Henry the 7th. John Cabot set sail on a 40 - meter vessel known as the matthew. -
Jan 1, 1498
Search for riches in the far east
Cabot and five ships went to the far east for search of riches because there last trip was'int so successful. He sailed to Baffain Island, Labrador, and new foundland. -
Apr 13, 1499
John cabot died but his voyages where important, for he was the one who started the cod fishing industry -
Jan 1, 1506
Death of a great mariner
Columbus Died at spain. But after his death he was named the "Man who discoverd America" -
Apr 13, 1534
St. Malo
Cartier sailed to St. Malo, france with two ships and a crew of sixty - one men. he travelled through Strait of belle isle, south along the westren coast of new foundland. -
Apr 13, 1534
Jacques Cartier
Jacques is credited with the european discovery of the entry to Canada the st. lawrence river and for claming its waters for the french crown. -
Apr 13, 1535
Cartier returned to America
Cartier returned to America with two of chief Donnaca [ The Iroquios Chiefs two childs that were at St.Malo] sons to show the way they lived there own lives. -
Apr 14, 1541
Returned to Canada
Cartier returend to canada and made a settlment in an area which is know now as Qubec. -
Apr 14, 1557
Carteirs death
Cartier dies in france -
Samuel de Champlain
The king gave a man named Aymar de chaste a monopoly for a fur trade in canada and the ships Captin was Samuel De Champlain. -
Captin of sieur de monts ship
the king gave another monopoly for a fur trade canada but gave it to Sieur De Monts and his ships Captin was also Samuel De Champlain -
De monts and Champlain
These two men made a french setlment at stadacona -
Passage to China
Champlain wanted to find a passage to china and belived that St. Lawrence River would lead him to the pacific ocean -
Great Lakes
Chaplain made his way to the great lakes with only a Compass, Astrolabe, paper and pen for mapping. -
Father Of New France
Champlain died in Qubec and is somtimes now called the Father Of New France -
Viking Eric Red
A Viking named Eric Red was banned from Ice Land for being found guilty for his his neighbours death.