Spanish Exploration

By MikeyV3
  • Aug 3, 1492

    Columbus's First Voyage

    Columbus's First Voyage
    Columbus found the Bahamas which led him to find Natives or Indians. He also found Gold.
  • Jan 1, 1519

    Cortes Voyage

    Cortes Voyage
    Cortes conquered the Aztecs and Mexico. He found tons of gold.
  • Jun 2, 1519

    Pineda's Expidition

    Pineda's Expidition
    Pineda sailed across the Gulf Coast and he mapped it out for 800 miles
  • Nov 6, 1528

    DeVaca's Voyage

    DeVaca's Voyage
    Narvez was DeVaca's leader, and his goal was to get to the coast.
  • Nov 6, 1528

    DeVaca Discovers texas

    DeVaca Discovers texas
    DeVaca crash landed in Texas, then he went back to mexico city and he meet the Karankawas
  • Jan 1, 1539

    Frar Marcos and Esteban's Journey

    Frar Marcos and Esteban's Journey
    The purpose of this journey was to study the north, Esteban got his eye poked out by Cortes, and he reported that he found the 7 cities of gold
  • Jan 1, 1540

    Coronado's expedition

    Coronado's expedition
    He searched for cibola or the 7 cities of gold, Esteban was his guide and the he died by cortes, he discovered 5 states, and he is important because he said Texas was a bad place to go
  • Jan 1, 1542

    Moscoso's Expedition

    Moscoso's Expedition
    His leader was De Soto and he died from fever by the Mississippi, and he reported a route through Texas