War World II
The ending of the great depression caused many men and women to loose their jobs and turn too vocational field jobs. Many of these jobs required workers to train themselves. https://www.ehow.co.uk/info_8254157_kind-jobs-did-people-1930s.html -
The transition from on the job self training to instructional training started to develop. How to books and instructional manuals were needed. The American Society for Training Directors was founded, now known as The American Society for training and development https://www.dummies.com/business/human-resources/employee-engagement/the-training-professions-evolution/ https://msu.edu/~sleightd/trainhst.html -
The Evolution of training takes place, now called ASTD. This was the worlds largest talent development association. http://astdnefl.org/
https://myheartsisters.org/2013/05/07/a-nurses-life-in-1950/ -
1960'S President Kennedy launched, the decade of development. The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) was formed. Education and development gives birth to Organizational Development. https://www.unicef.org/sowc96/1960s.htm -
Howard Gardner, an american developmental psychologist, developed the theory of multiple intelligence. Humans have many different ways to process information. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Howard_Gardner -
Tim Berners-Lee, established web server. Launch of computer based training -
Mobile learning also known as e-learning did not just come about in the 2000... it was first attempted in 1924 by a man named Sidney Pressey, who created an electronic learning machine.It was not successful then but now has blossomed. https://e-student.org/e-learning/history-of-e-learning/