Eva Pd 7 religion quiz

  • Period: 5000 BCE to


    400 million or 8% of people practice Buddhism and the most Buddhists are found in India, China, North and South Korea. Buddhists believe in rebirth and rebirth not into just humans but animals and plants too. The representation of Buddhism is the darma wheel.
  • Period: 2000 BCE to


    15 million or 0.2% of people practice Judaism which is the most heavily practiced in Israel. The Jews believe that Jesus died but did not rise from the dead. They also were the first religion to start Christianity and Islam which are variations of Judaism. Judaism is represented by the star of David.
  • Period: 1500 BCE to


    1 billion or 15% percent of the world practices Hinduism which is most dominant in India. Hinduism believes that people are reincarnated. They also don't really put the same reliance on gods as other do its more in your soul. The symbol that represents Hinduism is the om.
  • Period: 1000 BCE to


    2.382 billion or 31.11% of people practice Christianity which is most dominant in Europe and the Americas. The symbol that represents Christianity is the cross. Christians believe that Jesus came back from the dead. They also believe that he died and escaped his burial on Easter.
  • Period: 700 BCE to


    1.967 billion or 8% of people practice Islam which is mainly practiced in Israel. They believe that Mohamed is the divine messenger and that the angel Gabriel is important. The symbol of Islam is the crescent and star.
  • Period: 772 to 1492


    This war started with the Christians feeling threatened that the Muslims had as much land as them so they decided to take some back. this war took place in the Iberian Peninsula, Europa. Leading the Christians were Ferdinand the 2 and Isabella the 1 the king and queen. And leading the Muslims was their king Alfonso vi and Tariq the commander. The Reconquista greatly decreased Granada, Cordoba and Sevil's population (Muslim).
  • Period: 1096 to 1272

    The Crusades

    This war starts with the Christians vs the Muslims who both wanted the holy land of Jerusalem on the Mediterranean sea. On the Muslim side the leader was Calif Umar and on the Christian side the leader was the pope. One event that happened was the children's Crusade where no children came back alive from their trip to Jerusalem 1212. The result was that the Christians had access to Jerusalem but never full possession.
  • Period: to

    30 years war

    The war started with Ferdinand the 2 wanting his people to transfer from Protestants to Catholics in Prague Europe. The Protestant leader was Count Thurn. Between the Plague Poverty and the battle including the battle of White mountain a total of 450,000 were killed.
  • Period: to

    Cirrcasian war

    Russia vs Circassia Russia wanted Circassia to have possession of the Black Sea and Circassia for goods and war services. In the Circassia Genocide over 1500000 were killed. Tsar Nick 1 was a very important leader of Russia and the Naibs were the rulers of Circassia. In the end Russia won and converted a lot of people from Muslim to Christian.
  • Period: to

    Israeli Palestine conflict

    This conflict is between the Muslims and Jews over the holy land of Israel. After world war 2 the Jews did not have anywhere to live so the USA gave Israel to the small amount of Jews left. Israel and Egypt, Jordan and Syria caused major tensions, which created the 1956 Suez Crisis. This crisis is not fully resolved yet. Yasser Arafat is the military leader of Palestine.
  • Period: to

    Soviet invasion of Afghanistan

    The Soviet invasion of Afghanistan was the Muslim vs the government and soviet union in Afghanistan. The fight was over Muslims and Russians fighting for dominance the Muslims had assistance from Bin Laden (Al queda). And in an effort to see Russia defeated, the US sent the Muslims weaponry and resources.
  • Period: to

    The Syrian Civil War

    The Syrian Civil war is between the Sunni and Shia in Damascus Syria. Syria. Shia was the dominant but Sunni wanted to be the main religion in the area.One event that took place in this war was chemical gas bombing which killed lots of people and sent out 6.8 refugees.The leader on the Shia side was Bashar Al Assad who was getting assistance from the US and Brock Obama but later we pulled out.The leader on the Sunni side was Al Qaeda Taliban.The results include lots of damage, death and refugees