Ethan K's Mexican Timeline

  • Jan 1, 1519

    Mexico Overthrow the Aztec Empire

    Mexico Overthrow the Aztec Empire
    In 1518 Cortez overthew the Aztec empire. It was impotant because Mexico now had independance from the Aztec.
  • Mexico Gain Independance from Spain

    Mexico Gain Independance from Spain
    In 1821 there was a major war that declared Mexico free from Spain. This important because they were not a free country and now they are.
  • Battle of Puebla

    Battle of Puebla
    Wasn't very important to Mexico, but in the long run it was. The battle of the Puebla was when the French made a truce with Mexico and battled the Puebla.
  • Mexican Revalotion

    Mexican Revalotion
    The Mexico revalotion was important because it overthrew the leader who only benifited himself and his family. Simmply what had happened was that Mexico was going down fast because of the ruler who they needed to get rid of.
  • Period: to

    Enocomic Miracle

    This was important because if gave Mexico a chance. Before then they where poor and there economy then grew stronger. The reason it happened was because of investment in many things
  • Tlatleco Massacre

    Tlatleco Massacre
    Soon before the summer olympics police shot into a crowd at students (bad people). This was a major day in Mexico history as many people died.
  • Devastating Earthquake

    Devastating Earthquake
    This was important because that day many people died. It was a very sad day many people lost there friends and families. What happened it explains itself.
  • North American Free Trade Agreement

    North American Free Trade Agreement
    It is an agreement between Mexco, USA, and Canada. It inlimated barriors to free trade, between the 3 countries.
  • Battle of the Alamo

    Battle of the Alamo
    This was important becaus even though it didn't give them freedom it gave them time. Santa Anna had his army focused on the Alamo.
  • War Against Drugs

    War Against Drugs
    This event is still going on today in a way. It was important because many innoent people are dying because of drugs, and it needs to stop. What is happening is that people are trying to get money by selling drugs and smuggling them into the United States.