Montesquieu publishes book, On the Spirit of Laws
Montesquieu believed that Britain was the best governed country. The British king and his ministers had executive powers, and enforced the laws. The parliament had the legislative power and were the ones who made the law. Judicial power was held by the judges. In Montesquieu's book, he wanted a separation of powers, which would keep an individual group from taking complete control of the government. His idea of "power", "should be a check to power"led to checks and balances. -
America Declares Independence
IIn July 1776, the Second Continental Congress introduced the Declaration of Independence which was written by Thomas Jefferson. The Declaration of Independece focused on the ideas of John Locke; having unalieable rights of life, liberty, and property. The idea of property was changed to the pursuit of happiness. In the declaration there was a list of King George III's abuses. After the publication of the Declaration of Independence, The british and colonists went to war, and the Americans won. -
French Revolution
There were three different estates in France during the 1770s. People in the 1st and 2nd Estates didn't have to pay as high of taxes as the people in the 3rd Estate. The Third Estate wanted equality and liberty, so they created the National Aseembly to begin a representative government. Then the Tennis Court Oath, Battle of Bastille, and Great Fear happened. Then, on August 4, 1789 noblemen gave speeches to explian liberty and equality. By the morning, The Old Regime was gone. -
Napolean Overthrows the Directory through a coup d'etat
In 1799, the people of France were upset with the Directory, so when Napolean came back from Egypt, people wanted him to gain political power. In November 1799, Napolean and his troops surrounded the national legislature and took out some of the members. The lawmakers who were left from the Directory voted to take this form of government away. Taking the place of the Directory were 3 consuls, and Napolean was the dictator. The suddent seize of power is called a coup or in French coup d'etat. -
Haiti Wins Freedom From France
Jean-Jacques Dessalines, Toussaint's lieutenant fought for freedom. On January 1, 1804 General Dessalines declared the colony an independent country.It was the first black colony to free itself from European control. Dessalines called the country Haiti, which meant "mountainous land" in the language of the Arawak. -
Napolean Crowns Himself Emporer, Begins To Create A Vast European Empire
On December 2, 1804, Napolean was crowned emporer at the Notre Dame Cathedral. He wanted to take control of Europe and the Americas. He wanted a western empire because the area of Hispanola was a sugar-producing colony. He failed in Saint Dominque so he tried to sell the Louisiana Territory because he would gain money to finance operations in Europe and he would punish the British. Then, he forced Austria, Prussia, and Russia to sign peace treaties so that he could make the largest empire. -
Padre Hidalgo Calls for Mexican Independence
On September 16, 1810, Pedro Hidalgo a priest in Delores rang the bells of his village church. He issued a call for rebellion against the Spanish. The call is now known as Grito de Dolores (cry of Dolores). The next day, Hidalgo's Indian and mestizo followers began a march towards Mexico city. The lower classes alarmed the Spanish army and creoles who feared their property and lives being taken. The Spanish army defeated Hidalgo in 1811. -
Napolean is defeated at the Battle of Waterloo
Louis XVI's brother took the throne as Louis XVIII. The king wasn't popular because there was a rumor that wanted to mess up the Revolution's land reforms. Then, Napolean wanted to regain power. On March 1, 1815 Napolean escaped Elba and was welcomed to Paris. Then, he became emporer again. The British army prepared for battle in Waterloo, Belgium. On June 18, 1815, Napolean attacked and Prussian force joined the British and then they defeated the French. The Hundred Days ended Napolean's power.