Enlightenment Timeline

  • Montesquieu publishes book, On the Spirit of Laws

    Montesquieu publishes book, On the Spirit of Laws
    Montesquieu published "on the Spirit of Laws" as a declaration to tell others that power needed to be separated so that no individual group had taken over power completely. Later the separation and equalism of powers was referred to as "checks and balance."
  • Period: to

    1748-1815 Time of Enlightenment

    This timespan reoresents enlightenment in the United States.
  • America declares independence

    America declares independence
    The United States was tired of the British treasting them badly. There were many reasons of foul treatment to the americans by the british. The United States deserved their freedom and in 1776 they finally stood up to the british and wrote the "Declaration of Independance"
  • the French Revolution

    the French Revolution
    France saw how the Americans had won independance and were inspired to do it for themselves. They greatly admired how the United States had handled it with the declaration of independance. This cause an attempt to conquer the french government with arms (guns).
  • Napoleon overthrows the Directory through a coup d’etat

    Napoleon overthrows the Directory through a coup d’etat
    Napolean had returned from egypt andhis friends wanted him to take political control. He then drove out most of the people in the legislature. the people who remained even voted to dissolve the directory.
  • Napoleon crown himself emperor, begins to create a vast European Empire

    Napoleon crown himself emperor, begins to create a vast European Empire
    Napolean wanted to become emperor with support from his friends. On the day that the pope was supposed to be crowned napolean dressed in fancy clothing and took the crown and placed it on his own head. This signafied that napolean was more powerful than the church.
  • Haiti wins freedom from France

    Haiti wins freedom from France
    The rebel started in 1791 when 100,000 slaves rebelled against the french in Haiti. after this rebellion occured a leader was soon discovered name Toussanit L'ouverture. He was a good miltary leader and managed to take control of the island and free slavs by 1801. He was captured in 1803 and died soon later. Then a man named jean-jaques dessalines took over and completed the revolution in 1804.
  • Padre Hidalgo calls for Mexican Independence

    Padre Hidalgo calls for Mexican Independence
    Hidalgo was a well educated man who strongly believed in the ideas of enlightenment. one day he called for a meeting in the small village that he lived in. he wanted a rebellion against the spanish. the next day 80,000 men marched to Mexico City in fear of losing. they unfortunately did. but a stronger leader took over and won independence for Mexico.
  • Napoleon is defeated at the Battle of Waterloo

    Napoleon is defeated at the Battle of Waterloo
    Napolean was finally defeated at the battle of Waterloo in belgium. the british army was led by duke wellington.