Period: Jan 1, 1500 to
Scientific revolution
Jan 1, 1543
De revolutionibus orbium coelestium
Copernicus created the De revolutionibus orbium coelestium in 1543. It's the heliocentric theory of Nicolaus Copernicus. It was about how the sun was not moving around the earth, and had things to do with how the universe works. It's important because it allows us to know how the universe really works -
The thermometer
Galileo made it when he put water in a glass bulb, he observed as the water went up and down as it got colder or hotter. It's important because it allows us to see the temperature of things like a fever. -
The refracting telescope
Made by Hans Lippershey, it magnify's what it is viewing and allows you to see for a longer distance. It's important because it allows us to see in space and things at a longer distance like enemies in a war. -
Laws of motion
The laws of motion were created By Sir Issac Newton He made them to explain why things moved or stopped, or turned instead of going in a straight line. It's important because we know why things happen and move and stop. -
Bifocal glasses
Invented by Benjamin Franklin in the 1700's, he made them because he was nearsighted. He then became farsighted and changed them. Glasses are still used by people today. They are important because people who cant see well can see know and can do things they couldn't previously do. -
The piano
Made by Bartolomeo Cristofori, piano's can have a very soft sound of a very loud sound. It was developed from the harpsichord. It's important because the piano is entertainment for people, and it's a lifestyle for some people. -
The circulating library
The circulating library was created by Benjamin Franklin. It lets people borrow a book for a small fee and return it when they are done with it. It's important because it allows people to get information in a different way and have more of it. -
Carbonated water
It was made by Joseph Priestley when he experimented with putting gasses in liquids, eventually it turned into artificially carbonated water. It's important because a lot of people would prefer carbonated water instead of uncarbonated water.