EME 6457 - Technology Timeline

  • Starfall.com + Kindergarten

    Starfall.com + Kindergarten
    In elementary school, the immediate use of computers and digital gamification was implemented on a weekly basis. Educational sites such as Starfall.com were used as and incentive for rewarded behavior and/or weekly activities. We were very limited on the use of computers in classrooms as we did not have computers for each student. Students had the opportunity to have hands-on learning stations, meeting and collaborating with peers, and of course - having fun “computer time”.
  • Facebook Has Been Opened To The Public

    Facebook Has Been Opened To The Public
    Facebook was originally created for the usage of college students attending Harvard University. Initially launching in 2004, it wasn't until 2006 that "thefacebook.com" was open to the general public. Facebook developed the implementation of social media usage across all ages worldwide. It is interesting to learn that this application was created to be a directory tool for students attending college. The expansion of this has been transformation for educational, research and personal purposes.
  • My First Phone!

    My First Phone!
    At about 8 years old, my grandparents gifted me a Mobile Device (against my parents wishes). Many of my friends had their own devices as well so I truly wanted to “Fit in”. I preferably wanted a Sidekick but, was given a LG neon instead. I primarily utilized this device to text/call my fellow friends, family, and peers. At the time, internet use on this device came at an additional charge and was not available to me all day. Free internet hours were at about 12PM - 3PM, while I was in school
  • Apple iPhone 3GS

    Apple iPhone 3GS
    After spending a year with my LG Neon, I was given the new iPhone 3GS. Released in 2009, this Apple device changed the game for phones, media, applications, etc. Features included - Mail, Messages, Notes, Calendar, iPod, Parental Controls for children (like myself at the time), and so much more. in 2009, the cost of this device started at $99. Today, the latest iPhone 14 starts at $799. Talk about INFLATION! This device was utilized strictly for personal leisure but, had many benefits for others
  • Computer Resources Class

    Computer Resources Class
    In middle school, we were all assigned to a computer resource course 2 times a week for the duration of our time in 6th - 8th grade. In this class, we spent time learning how to type without looking, how to navigate through a computer and through educational sites, how to use Microsoft Office, etc. Many students like myself only had access to computers in school so this was something we all enjoyed immersing ourselves within.
  • Instagram For Project

    Instagram For Project
    Created in 2010, Instagram was new to us all and we weren't too sure how to use it. I remember my English teacher in middle school had us all create accounts and work on a group project based off of characters we assigned to. While we were still learning how to navigate through this social media platform, this was something we instantly learned was not strictly for educational purposes.
  • iPads For Early Intervention

    iPads For Early Intervention
    At the age of 6, my brother was assigned an iPad to assist him with communicating with his family members, teachers, and peers. The application on his device was well suited for him and his needs in which provided both pictures and words that he tended to use on a day to day basis. Now this was not something that replaced him using his speech but, was a resource that allowed for him to implement into this life to enhance his learning experience.
  • Started College - First Online Course

    Started College - First Online Course
    I started my college career in 2018 at the NY Institute of Technology. As we utilized Blackboard for our online learning environment, we ended up transitioning to Canvas during the Pandemic. When I started college, I was under the impression that an online course was synchronous and required us to meet at an established time each week. When I learned it was an asynchronous setting, I instantly had to learn how to prioritize school, work, and sports.
  • Pandemic + Virtual Learning Transition

    Pandemic + Virtual Learning Transition
    As we all know, the Pandemic made an immediate shift within the educational community in March of 2020. As a student athlete, I was always on campus for practice and classes. The transition was quite difficult as I did not get the ideal "college experience" that I wanted but, created a unique experience that changed the way we all learn.
  • First Work From Home Position

    First Work From Home Position
    Not only was I a student athlete but, I was a student Career Ambassador/Social Media Manager for the Career Services Department. Originally I was working in office and was a student-facing environment. I was apart of leading peer workshops, resume reviews, etc. When the pandemic started, I was apart of the transitional period on how we bring students into the virtual career department while also maintaining relationships through social media.
  • Current Position - Student Visionaries of The Year

    Current Position - Student Visionaries of The Year
    I currently work as a Campaign Development Manager for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society's Student Visionaries of the Year Program. I work directly with high school students in the Orlando and Jacksonville area. I teach students how to pitch to corporate sponsors, market themselves on a digital platform, and foster a wide set of professional development skills that help boost college resumes/applications. Though this is not a traditional educational setting, we do use digital learning platforms.
  • The Present - Technological Advances

    The Present - Technological Advances
    The evolution of technology since I've first been immersed within has been substantial. The implementation of gamification, learning applications, etc have paved a way for enhancing learning experiences of students of all ages. Whether students are learning for school, sports, or entertainment purposes, obtaining materials through technological platforms have become the new "norm"
  • Technology in Education

    Technology in Education
    See Embedded Video in Assignment Submission if not viewable here.