
  • 200

    Rosetta Stone

    Rosetta Stone
    The Rosetta Stone was carved anound this date. This was important because with out it we might have never found out what the hieroglyphs mean.
  • Period: 200 to

    Egypt Timeline

  • Jan 1, 1473

    The First Female Ruler

    The First Female Ruler
    Hatshepsut was the first female ruler. this was important because she led people down a path that would help women become more equal.
  • The Great Pyramid

    The Great Pyramid
    The Great Pyramid of Giza was built in 2560B.C. this was important because we have learned a lot about pyramid buliding from this pyramid. This is also one of the seven wonders of the ancient world still standing.
  • Mummification Starts

    Mummification Starts
    Around this date mummification started. This is important because this let us know how some of the people died if we were able to look at the mummies.
  • The First Pyramid

    The First Pyramid
    The first pyramid was built around this date. this is important to the Egyptians because it was a tomb for there pharaoh.
  • The First Ruler

    The First Ruler
    The first ruler of Egypt was Narmer. this was important because this was the start of many rulers and he built the first pyramid.
  • Egypt unites

    Egypt unites
    In the first dynasty the ruler united upper and lower egypt into one. This is important because if upper and lower were not united they could have went to war with each other.
  • hieroglyphics

    Around this date we think that hieroglyphics were devolped. This is important because without them Egypt could not have been a civilization.
  • The Calendar

    The Calendar
    The first calendar was built around this time. This was important because we still use this calendar today.
  • Settlers

    Around this date people started to settle in the Nile River Valley. This was important because they made up what became Egypt.