Period: to
Media Timeline
Being developed by inovators like Joseph Nicephore Niepce which laid the foundation for other innovations such as the lantern slides and stereographs. -
Typewriter Invented
Introduced by W.A Burt the same year Louis Brailled invented Braille printing -
Pencil with eraser
Although the invention of the pencil can be traced back to the 1500's it wasnt until 1858 that an eraser was added by Hymen Lipman -
Gugliemio Marconi introduced radio with an original range of 100 meters. With the advancement of audio technology in the 1920,s and 30s a new movement was created that combined. Although many education enthusiast believed that radio was going to revolutionize education, it didn't mainly due to poor equipment and teacher resistance. -
School Museums
The first school museum was opened in St, Louis which would be considered the equivalent of the modern media center. Many museums housed such things as stereographs (3D photographs) charts and films. -
Talking Motion Pictures
Thomas Edison demonstrated talking motion picture and also wrongly proclaimed that, "books will soon be obsolete in the school" and that motion pictures would take over education. -
Radio turners
First Introduced in 1916 brought speches and music to many homes and schools. -
TV Broadcast
First made by BBC in 1930 which was the basis for the instructional television movement. -
Organization Merger
The merger of three existing national professional organizations creating the Department of Visual Instruction or DVI. Currently it goes under the name of the Association for Educational Communications and Technology or AECT. -
FM Radio
Edwin Howard Armstrong invented FM Radio -
Instructional Television
The 1950's showed a tremendous increase in the use of television for instructional purpose in the classroom. This was brought about mainly because of two reasons: FTC decision to set aside 242 channels for educational purposes; The funding provided by the Ford Foundation for the creation of educational programming. -
Videotape Recorder
First introducd by Charles Ginsburg -
TV Channels for Education
In 1952 the FTC set aside 242 televsion channels for educational purposes. This led to the creation of public television stations. -
Introduction -
Word Processor
First -
First Apple Computer
Both introduced around the same time -
Internet Protocol Suite was standardised and is consider by many and Thomas Friedman to be one of the "flatteners" of our interconnected world. -
CDs and CD Players
DVD Player
MP3 player
Web 2.0
First coined by Darci DiNucci and gives educators and everyone the opportunity to evolve from consumers of the internet to producers. -
Youtube Launched
With the launch of youtube comes the reemergence of the power of the audiovisual movement that started back in the 1950's. Now the big difference is that corporations are not deciding what gets produced people decide.