
  • Ferrule

    The old pointing stick. Used by my teachers to help us follow with our eyes, also to simulate how we should be learning to read(elementary school and on)
  • whiteboard

    see timespan
  • Period: to


    dry erase markers lost to the void, the many bad jokes done with permanent marker. A great tool in the right hands, but with the introduction of computers it is almost irrelevant even in my elementary and middle school years.
  • pencils/pens

    long since modernized before my birth, and the writing utensil of the present. they have been rebranded, remade, and sold in different(sometimes comedic) forms. Useful even today in the "paperless" society.
  • overhead projector

    overhead projector
    clear sheets and wet erase markers, and somehow I can still find one in a classroom or broom closet today. Especially useful in math, I still cant't figure out if you write backwards or normally on theses things.
  • scantron

    see timespan
  • Period: to


    the doom and gloom of testing season, the many energy drinks consumed by higher difficulty classes, and the dread of all students. Exacting requirements on the student side but makes grading a total joke on the teachers side. The logical endpoint of a paper test.
  • Laserdisc

    Joke: its actually the dvd-player. Rather the CD-ROM drive of desktop computers used by teachers. Mostly used for documentaries, and for entertainment when the class is ahead( dramatized history movies for history class, "literary analysis" for english courses)
  • classroom involvement clickers

    classroom involvement clickers
    basically a multiple choice selection that sent results electronically. A nice cover device for students to give feedback, and a good way for the teacher to gauge learning.
  • "smart" boards

    "smart" boards
    Basically a computer enhanced whiteboard, also removed the freudian humour often employed by male students.
  • Chromebook

    I myself am glad to have missed the "take school computer home", but that is for entirely selfish reasons. A great tool today, but the limitations imposed by the schools and access to the digital in general make it a possible trade-off in my eyes
  • I-pads

    Tablets in general I find antithetical to learning, but that's also due to the fact that I don't like tablets or their interfaces. That said they are great for better edutainment options that are around today.